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HB-1 arrived today!

Guest HRB853370

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Guest HRB853370

Marie was just getting in her car to leave, when the Fedex guy pulled up. Was supposed to have been delivered yesterday but the bad weather held up the delivery. She was out most of the day yesterday and would not have seen it. Oh well. So she comes back in the house and says, "here is your package from Brent"!. My response was, "what is it"? She rolls her eyes back and says, "what is it, yeah right"!


Aside from some swirls, some natural finish checking on the front side and a few minor nicks here and there, she looks great. Cannot see any fret wear! I plan to play it this Monday night for the New Years gig! Will report back on that!


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OH SLAMMER - you broke your long run of no gas. Congrats on the pretty new bass - I like the way it looks. Make sure to wear a black shirt and black pants with it.

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Guest HRB853370
OH SLAMMER - you broke your long run of no gas. Congrats on the pretty new bass - I like the way it looks. Make sure to wear a black shirt and black pants with it.

Oh no, this was not a case of gas at all Katy, you are very misinformed here!!



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Guest HRB853370
2 basses in about 2 months; GAS?! Nah, BAS...... Congrats, Will, you got a good one.

I know it right? I got dirty looks when the Fender Jazz came in...then this arrives and she stands there with her arms crossed with a look like "whats the story on this one"? I told her I claimed DIBBS when Brent acquired it and I am a man of my word.

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I know it right? I got dirty looks when the Fender Jazz came in...then this arrives and she stands there with her arms crossed with a look like "whats the story on this one"? I told her I claimed DIBBS when Brent acquired it and I am a man of my word.


Good for you, Will. It's hard to find a man with such integrity, someone who keeps his word without question.



...... so what is Marie getting in return? :laughing5:

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