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Heritage Owners Club
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News and information about the Heritage Owners Club site

Entries in this blog

Yet Another Upgrade...Finally!

After more than a year of planning, testing and procrastinating, the board has been upgraded to the latest version of the IP.Board software. Many changes have occurred, but the foundation of the HOC--it's members--remains in place. Hopefully, the new features will be a positive factor and not detract from the discussion and interactions.   If you notice anything broken, or experience any difficulties, please don't hesitate to drop me a PM.   -Admin



Board software upgrade planning has begun

The developer of the software this forum runs on released a major upgrade several months ago. Based on my experience with such things, I opted to wait out the first few bug fixes and see how it shook out. At this time, the code has more or less stabilized, with several bug fixes having been released. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, I will be putting up a new test system and investigating any upgrade issues.   Once the test system has been fully wrung out, I will make an announcem



Meet the New Heritage Owners Club Forum

As many of you reading this are no doubt already aware, the Heritage Owners Club (HOC) forum software received a major facelift in late April of this year. Actually, a major transplant is probably a better analogy, as we shifted off the free (no cost) Simple Machines Forum code to the commercial Invision Power Services (IPB) Community Suite as well as moving from our previous webhosting service to a tier one provider.   If you vist the Forums, you can explore the new functionality that IP.Boar



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