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Meanwhile twelve years on

Still on the shaky side. My remaining Heritage guitar is a sweet, stunning, Sweet 16. I've had equally stunning h-530, h-575, and custom h-150 come and go. At 70 years of age I'm not sure how long I can wear my rock and roll shoes.  Carpe Diem indeed


nicknickhall in 12 years on

good morning from the shaky side

It's morning in CA. I just looked at the HOC member map and there's a good group here in CA. I've been here for 20 years as a resident. Have also resided in Japan, Florida, Massachusetts, New Orleans LA, New York, and my hometown is Charm City, Ballmer MD. As a 6 yr old kid I was the early riser in my house. I'd switch on WMAR at 6:55 am so I could gaze at the test pattern, followed by jets, ol glory and the anthem, and then "The Early Riser" himself, Mr. Stu Kerr. He presented as the station ja



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