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Modern Music

Spring is here and I'm once again looking for new ways to stir up creativity.   This spring I'm challenging myself into writing and recording with more frequency and less self-scrutiny. Bottom line is that practice makes perfect if I ever want to grow as a musician and as a songwriter.   I've been leaning on newer music for inspiration lately and so far, so good! I've once again turned my music room into a unkept mess of cables.   Thank you Modern Music.     http://www.heritageownersclu



Winter's coming and I've got some ideas......I'd like to create some music.

Things are good. After a few years of pleasant and not-so-pleasant distractions, I've found myself in a place where creativity is coming in and I'm not having to chase it down nearly as far as I have in the past.   Lurking about and occasionally interacting within the HOC has provided me with some wonderfully useful information, allowed me to gain further appreciation of my instrument(s) and most importantly has allowed me to befriend and even meet some very interesting, talented and genuinely



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