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Glitch in the matrix

I still believe I can get the number of 6 string electric guitars down to two or three. But Im way past thinking its easy.    



Pointy bit gets easier and then pointier

One guitar that has been a sticking point for me ever since I started this thing has been a 93 US Am Std strat. I got it on Jan 18 1994. Birthday present. It has been the heaviest gigged out of all of my guitars and is on its third? (I think) re fret. Its put in a lot of miles all over our big state. It was stolen and recovered and also lost at an airport and recovered 3months later. I call it a boomerang. It comes back. After it was stolen a friend and well respected luthier here took it



Pointy bits of down sizing.

There are several pointy bits. The starting bit, the couple of bits before the middle bit and several bits toward the end bit. I havnt made it to the end bit yet. I still have 9 gizmos with strings on them not including the mandolin or ukes. It doesnt matter how I stack them all they collectively take up about 1.135sqm or 12.21sqf with amps and cab included when all clumped together. I have this clump of stuff stacked in a corner. Its quite a dull lump, just a corner of boring looking stuff.



Down sizing.

Ive recently sold a lot of gear including PA's, guitars, amps and cabs, pedals, recording gear, pick ups and anything that resembled an unused or unnecessary piece of gear. Its been a rewarding experience. I havnt finished the purge and still have stuff to get rid of. It will happen. There have been a few things that happened that I didnt really think about when I first started selling my gear. One of those things is space. Room to move. No clutter. Another is time. I dont have projects



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