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Week 3 (December 8, 2009)

Today still had a touch of that blur that I have experienced in previous weeks, but there was notably less of it and the lesson was even more focused than it was last week.


We started on Autumn Leaves where we left off last week. It was in this that he introduced me to tritone subs. "You can actually use those things?" Yep. Made a different animal of Autumn Leaves right there on the fly. Just amazing. It was this week that really drove home to the both of us just how musically illiterate I am. No worries, it just better defined the path we need to take.


Besides Autumn Leaves and the quick tritone lesson, there were chromatic scales and their common usage between chord tones. Backtracking (looking way ahead so you can change the chording coming up to resolve to a certain chord) which involved more lesson in tritone subs. Quick brief on turnarounds and more Jazz Philosophy 101.


Expanding on last week's statement about learning it so you can forget about it, it is even more clear today what he meant: like you don't have to think about the words and letters that make up the words that you make your sentence out of, you want to get where you don't have to pay much mind to the chords and notes you choose. You just want to get your point across.


Another philosophical point: You are going to make mistakes, the trick is to spin the lemon (mistake) into lemonade (something great). For that you need sugar (knowledge) and water (experience). Without it, you still just have a lemon (mistake). Like a good politician, you, in the end, can turn something wrong into something that sounds right... even if it is wrong because you did it and got out of it with conviction.


This week I am to practice the things mentioned above and start on Georgia on my Mind.


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