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good morning from the shaky side

It's morning in CA. I just looked at the HOC member map and there's a good group here in CA. I've been here for 20 years as a resident. Have also resided in Japan, Florida, Massachusetts, New Orleans LA, New York, and my hometown is Charm City, Ballmer MD. As a 6 yr old kid I was the early riser in my house. I'd switch on WMAR at 6:55 am so I could gaze at the test pattern, followed by jets, ol glory and the anthem, and then "The Early Riser" himself, Mr. Stu Kerr. He presented as the station janitor and welcomed early arriving viewers to his show. I remember cartoons and give aways. You could send him a postcard and he would call you up and ask you a question. If you got it right you win a prize. If you got it wrong you win a prize. I scored a camera and a bat as I recall. The camera was a 126mm (?) plastic box w/ a plastic lens. Now I take pictures for a living with a magnesium alloy computer with very nice lenses thank you very much. I no longer have the bat, sadly, but I still swing my bat from the last softball league i played in (highest caliber coed league in Pleasanton, CA) My kind of league, slow pitch- where do ya want it pitching. I led off with a .750 average for the year, all singles. Most teams put their weakest fielders in right. So I let the ball get deep and punch it over the second base-person's head and stroll to first. My bat? Wonder Boy of course.


What is the Portal page? I just looked at it today and don't have it figured yet.


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