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May 2012 Blog

Recently, more than a dozen of you have reached out to me to know why avatar and signature are blank and why I’m not active on the forum. Yes, I have removed all my personal details from the Heritage Owners website and traded my last Heritage. I feel my passion for Heritage guitars and Owners Club has been quashed. In the words of BB King, “The Thrill is Gone, has gone away.” However, the exact details of why I have departed, or at least taken an indefinite hiatus, from the HOC cannot be posted here at the risk of removal. All I am permitted to say is disagreement has turned into disheartenment.


I’ve enjoyed my time on the HOC and the fellowship bond with so many of you. The personal stories of your daily lives, your experiences, and your dreams are feelings I won’t soon forget. There has been so many moments laughter, encouragement, and quality Heritage (and Non-Heritage) related experiences too countless to mention. I’ve been blessed to share your personal highs such as new guitars, amps, marriages/engagements, and even new dog days. I’ve also shared your pain with the lows like dying/ill friends and family, job losses, or other personal tragedies. All of these life stories are the ties that bind all of us together when we share such personal details. To top it all, the annual celebration to which forum members and guests come together at the invitation to tour the factory and enjoy some quality music entertainment, in which everyone can participate in. All of this makes the Heritage Owners Club a forum unlike any other forum in existence today to which I am thankful to have been part of for the past two years.


I do hope that in the near future my concerns will be addressed. It was my dream, after last year’s PSV IV, to order a custom Heritage for my son when he is older. I want him to experience the joy and excitement I had for Heritage and the HOC. I was only eight years old when Heritage officially became a company. My son is eight years old now. I want him to be part of the next generation of Heritage owners with all the traditions that come with it.


Warmest Regards,


Josh , AKA- DetroitBlues


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Thanks for all of your insightful posts Josh. It's a shame when things happen that make one feel the need to step away. I'll be looking forward to your return to the forum. Scott



I do hope that time heals.......... miss you and your insight!




Hope things work out soon, Josh. You've been a good, consistent poster on the forum and we're waiting for you to return.


Best wishes,





Whenever you want to jump back in to Heritage ownership, you won't beat the deals here.

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