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City Hall gig 090413

blog-0685236001365771498.jpgDid a gig this week at our local City Hall ( Kingston upon Hull,East Yorkshire England ) I decided to take my Heritage 140 (1986) as it looks great,plays great,and sounds mega ! It handled the mostly rythmn guitar gig excellently,adding a snap to the very limited soloing that was required for the gig. I had to laugh.The 10 piece band,(piano,bass,guitar drums + 2 trumpets,2 saxes & 1 trombone + singer ) were only required to play 6 tunes.We'd had a band rehearsal,as we needed to shorten the scores to fit in with some dancers that were performing their routines to our music.Of course,there were no guitar charts,so I photographed the piano score,then wrote myself the relevant charts...Great ! Turn up for the gig..all change.Different tunes,still no music,so I had to busk the lot.Fortunately,it was all simple stuff I'd played before.How the host managed to stretch 20 minutes,or less music into a 2 hour show was a work of genius.We live & learn. I played the Heritage through a Fender London solid state amp.I knew it was a long carry from the elevator to the stage,so my little folding buggy did the honours.

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I would have liked to have been there, must come over sometime to watch a gig.

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