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Winter's coming and I've got some ideas......I'd like to create some music.

Things are good. After a few years of pleasant and not-so-pleasant distractions, I've found myself in a place where creativity is coming in and I'm not having to chase it down nearly as far as I have in the past.


Lurking about and occasionally interacting within the HOC has provided me with some wonderfully useful information, allowed me to gain further appreciation of my instrument(s) and most importantly has allowed me to befriend and even meet some very interesting, talented and genuinely helpful folks. a simple music lover from Detroit couldn't ask for more out of a free non-denominational owners-forum.....could they?


My proposed project is open to anyone who cares to get involved. I'm fortunate enough to possess some basic recording equipment and have been blessed with just enough skill to occasionally translate a musical idea thru my instruments. I'd like to make anything I post (specifically soundcloud files) on this blog available to anyone who wishes to collaborate/ add to / subtract from / comment on / or make suggestions toward.


Here are a few demos, shards and song ideas that have been popping up for me recently: If one of them speaks to you and you feel that you might have something contribute with a (insert: Lyrical Melody, Solo, Harmony,Comment, Crituque, Song Break, EQ adjustment, Verse, Ect) please do!!!! re-record it with whatever means you have available and repost it.


Might be a little utopian but I thought an idea like this could be worth a shot!!!









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Wow. Genuinely impressed. Soulful. Varied styles. Some of it kind of reminds me of Was Not Was stuff...Detroit funk but with a sound all your own. The guitar is excellent and you've got some really good vocal chops too. The mixes are all different too...has a great effect. Well done. What guitars did you use?



Thank you for the kind words and sorry about the delayed response I didn't see the comment until last night.


I looked up some "was (not was)" stuff and remembered them instantly, maybe they were a bigger influence on me than I'd ever realized as I can also hear some stylistic similarity within a few of my bits.


I recorded and mixed most of what I did here within Garageband using either my H535, Epi and a condenser mic.

I loop my percussion parts first with an Rc-20 than build the track from there.


Do you have any tunes that your working on? I'd love to listen!



Whoa!!! awesome. Im in if I may.



Whoa!!! awesome. Im in if I may.

The above was the initial spontaneous post.

Just want to add that I really like your music, songs and tunes. There are a couple here that are just plain cool.

Good work. I like your style.



Matt! I love your work! Fantastic stuff



The above was the initial spontaneous post.

Just want to add that I really like your music, songs and tunes. There are a couple here that are just plain cool.

Good work. I like your style.


Whoa!!! awesome. Im in if I may.



Thank you for the kind words!!! And yes, please feel free to add and repost at will……that was the original idea of this blog but it never really seemed to take off and I kinda stopped visiting here or posting new stuff!


I'd love to see more blogs started or even talked about here in the HOC, its an excellent opportunity for a creative outlet for all of us!




I really dig ALL of this stuff, but Easy Come Easy Go might be my favorite.

It's kind of a Tom Waits/Mazzy Star/Pixies vibe. The vocal is very cool, and the over all recording is done really well.

I'm looking forward to checking out more of your stuff and posting some of my own, when I'm back to being 100%

Rock on, man!



hey this is a whole bunch of cool stuff!!


well recorded too




I really dig ALL of this stuff, but Easy Come Easy Go might be my favorite.

It's kind of a Tom Waits/Mazzy Star/Pixies vibe. The vocal is very cool, and the over all recording is done really well.

I'm looking forward to checking out more of your stuff and posting some of my own, when I'm back to being 100%

Rock on, man!


hey this is a whole bunch of cool stuff!!


well recorded too


Thanks Matt and Chris!!!!



This one's going to be a fun song to play in a jam setting, I was trying to set some mic levels to a drum backing track and wound up working up a humorous ditty out of the process.




I have never been able to write much, well done to you on that. You seem to get great satisfaction from your recording project, keep it going.



I have never been able to write much, well done to you on that. You seem to get great satisfaction from your recording project, keep it going.


Thanks Mark555!

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