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Pointy bits of down sizing.

There are several pointy bits. The starting bit, the couple of bits before the middle bit and several bits toward the end bit.

I havnt made it to the end bit yet.

I still have 9 gizmos with strings on them not including the mandolin or ukes.

It doesnt matter how I stack them all they collectively take up about 1.135sqm or 12.21sqf with amps and cab included when all clumped together. I have this clump of stuff stacked in a corner. Its quite a dull lump, just a corner of boring looking stuff. Mainly black cases and black rectangles.

I still have some electrified stringed gizmos I want to sell but I dont know which ones to make gone. The strats do my head in the most. Always thought they would be the easiest. Good strats are so cheap and easy to get it almost seems weird to have an attachment to them.

The next stage of this thing, once Im safely set up in my new place to be is to take note of what I use out of the remaining electric stringed objects over the next 6months to a year and then cull the items that get the least use. I have a fair idea of what items they may be but I want to give them a fighting chance. They were once much loved and much played dooverlackies.

Two of the nine whatchamacallits are acoustically inclined and one of the nine doohickeys plays low noted and none of those three are on the endangered list.


I sort of covered it all in a reply to another blog but, Im roomless. I cant get out of this room until the carpet and curtains are done.

I feel quite discombobulated and out of sorts. Ive had the same some where to be for the last 20yrs. Its all different now. Nothing is where it normally is. I havnt even got my desk.

The room I have retreated to for the last 20yrs, or hid in, planned world dominance in, broadcasted from, conducted and cataloged sonic experiments in, deconstructed and reconstructed things in, took things apart and then thrown them out because I broke them in, sat and did nothing in, sat and looked like I was doing nothing in, the room where manic energy was spent in, the room I would fall asleep at my desk with a guitar on my lap in, the room where I blissed out on repeated riffs and momentary flashes of unusually and uncharacteristically cool shit is now just a space. Stripped back like this, its just another room where as before it felt like a destination.

I feel kind of sad to be giving it up and happy to be free of it at the same time. More excited to be moving on than sad. :) There were times I was my own warden and the self imposed isolation was a killer.


displaced slacker and his clump of stuff.



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Great picture! Catches the mood perfectly.

I have been contemplating down sizing recently also.

I definitely have a GAS problem. It's fun.

Enjoying your thread.



Thank you skydog52. Im glad you are enjoying my journey into uncharted(for me) territory. :)

Y'know, it could be a bunch of wrong moves and foolishness strung together.



The transition from large space to small space was finalised tonight. I got home to find the carpet guys had come in and blitzed the place.

My bigger old room looks amazing. It also smells kind of new. My daughter had already started with the move and had all her furniture in there and had started organizing where it was all going to go.

Some paint, new carpet and curtains according to a young womans taste and sense of colour has transformed the room in to a lively and exciting room. There seems to be a sense of possibility and excitement in there. The room now seems to have purpose and flow. I felt quite a profound sense of happiness and of weight lifted by seeing the transformation.


My move into the smaller room was easier. I set it up as I imagined I would, as symmetrically as possible. There is no way around that for me.

My new desk is a little under 1/2 the size of my old desk. Every other item remains the same size.

Once I had all the essentials set up I was surprised at how much space was left over. This is not going to be cramped in anyway. There is plenty of room for a Greyhound to stretch out. We could actually make do with less space.

I did a volume test by turning up Cat Scratch Fever and walking around the rooms in the house and going back and making adjustments to suit. I will be able to play loud enough to suit my purposes. My guitars sound different in here, or rather, my amps do.


Im really happy about this stage of the downsizing. It feels incredibly right.

My wife is still trying to wrap her head around what Im doing and why but I think she is enjoying the changes and the journey as both a travel companion and also as a spectator on the sideline of a sport they cannot fathom but can see that the participants are having fun.



and now on to the next phase :)



A week in to the smaller abode.

Smaller spaces get messier quicker.

Shouldnt seem surprising but it was/is.

Smaller spaces require less heating. Again, it seems like it should go without saying, but here I am continually turning down the heat. Not even 1/3 power is required.

The closer the amp is to your ears the more noises you can hear. Its very easy to get over analytical of......everything you are hearing!

Can just imagine OCD personalities blowing ,000's in sheilding, pickups, speakers, amps and noise gates.

Fortunately Im not OCD. Yet. It could become a problem though. :)



Nice read - enjoyed that. Especially the 'The room I have retreated to...' sentence. And that your prior destination is now your daughters. Circle of rooms it is.


And Dooverlackies. Yes. That's gonna be my next band's name.


Cool pic, too.

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