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Week 8 (January 13, 2010)

Alright, I am back meeting with Sal after a couple if missed weeks.


We jumped right in with learning All of Me and then later in the lesson picking up on Beyond the Sea. These were songs of my request as they are in constant play in the ol' iPod.


I got a bit of a jump on the lesson as I get there early. He gave me the sheet music for All of Me and let me use a teaching room not in use to get familiar while I wait.


This song is another great example of how chord tones can make the lion share of the melody.


Song starts in Cmaj. From there, the melody is pretty simple. It is, in Cmaj, descending root ©, fifth (G), third (E) for the words "All of me...". The use of the root, 3rd and 5th for the melody keeps up through the A section as the chords change. There are notes outside of the chord tones to be sure as well as some passing tones, but this pattern will get you most of the way there.


Beyond the Sea is more of a homework assignment than All of Me as we just went over it quickly. I will have more on this song next week I am sure.


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