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Week 15 (March 3, 2010)

Sorry for the late post. My wife had something to attend so I had to cancel this week but had plenty to practice on.


What I did was keep running with the I-vi-ii-V7 vamp and then started to play only root-3rd movements. Never varied. Just stayed on root-3rd. All over the neck where ever the root and third of these chords showed up.


Now, another little exercise I have been doing is playing diatonic chords. For C, it would be Cmaj7, Dmin7, Emin7, Fmaj7, G7, Amin7, Bmin7b5.


Along those same lines, I would play the chord tones ascending in pitch and then descending in pitch down the scale until I hit the root of the next scale diatonically then go up that one.


That would be, in C:


C, E, G, B, A, G, F, E


D, F, A, C, B, A, G, F



and so on.


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