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How Joe Pass got to play my Gibson L5


Sometimes things happen that you're not aware of at the time,and you find out later,sometimes with pride,sometimes with shame,but seldom,both at the same time.My Gibson L5 was wearing on the frets.I live in the North of England,and in the early '70's ,there were very few luthiers up here,and none I knew personally.So,I had to look to London.Now,I'd been using Emile Grimshaw for many years,but for some unknown reason,I decidied to take my L5 to Ivor Mairants,in the West End of London,probably so I could take in the other guitar shops at the same time.I arranged to meet Ivor Mairants at his shop,and his appraisal was that I needed a re-fret.So,I said O.K.,and went for my wander around the shops,then home up north.Some time passed before I got the message to collect my repaired instrument,and down to London I went.I was greeted at the shop by a very nice chap who informed me that my guitar had been used by Joe Pass to do a seminar,in the shop,to a select ,invited audience.I was very proud to be told this,and I didn't mind a bit.He then pointed out that the large,stick on flower I had placed on the scratchplate had caused Joe Pass to remark " What sort of a son of a bitch would do this to a guitar of this quality ". Instant shame. I scrapped the flower off,and never considered sticking anything on my guitar again.I've no real excuse.I'd been on a trip to Switzerland,and,at the time,everthing was covered with these stick on flowers,so I did the same when I got home.Needless to say,my other guitars with them were rapidly deflowered !

The three photo's I.ve uploaded are Joe using my guitar,with flower,taken from a magazine article in 1974,(2) The guitar today,without flower & looking lovely, & (3) A close up of the Van Epp damper that has been there from the start in 1968.As this guitar has a resonant frequency in the bass on the 'B' note,it's very useful.There are only so many times you want to start a tune like the Beatles ' I Feel Fine "


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