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Week 21 (2010-04-14)

Last week I mentioned that I was just beating on the C scale and all of its positions: 6/1, 6/2, 6/4, 5/1, 5/2, 5/4 and open positions.


This week is sort of the same but with a variation: running the CMaj7 arpeggio and the C pentatonic scale. Again, running these in all of the positions mentioned above.The great thing about it is you have an opportunity to really familiarize yourself with the parts of the scale (with the fourth interval being notably absent in everything but the full major scale).


From here, I start connecting the scales. Going up in the 6/4 and down the 6/2 then up the 6/1 and come right back down 6/1 then up 6/2 and the down 6/4 and so on.


From there, I do the same with the arpeggio of Cmaj and further with the pentatonic scale of Cmaj.


Not done yet! From there, I mix it up a bit.


Starting in 6/4 I will go from C to C in the full scale and go through the next octave as an arpeggio and then come back down that same octave in the full scale and continue going down in pitch into the first octave I played through but this time only the pentatonic notes. I also carry this on to connecting the positions as well. A very large range of practice drillls can be derived from this.


I will continue to do more of this over the next week.


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