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Week 22 (2010-04-23)

Productive week.


I have still been running the scales as I mentioned in the previous weeks but now I am starting on A Aeolian. First running the normal scale which is, of course, exactly like the Cmaj scale but with the root moved to A. Next, I run Amin7 arpeggio as far as I can carry it in that position. Then the pentatonic scale of A Aeolian.


So far, I am only practicing in the 6/2 position of Cmaj for A Aeolian.


What little knowledge I have aquired in really hammering these scales into my head resulted in a mildly improvised version of Sleep Walk (one of my favorite guitar tunes of all time).


For those that have been requesting FOR MONTHS that I record something, here you go! ...most of you have probably already seen it.


Sleep Walk


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