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Week 28 (2010-06-03)

Hello all.


Bad news on the pickup winding front. The school where I was going to go wind the pickups at got flooded so it may not be this weekend that I get to wind pickups but maybe a couple of weeks out. I should find out today or tomorrow whether or not they could get the water out.


Other than that, another good week. I got accepted into the university I wanted to go to for my bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering. Now it is just paperwork, funding and so on. I start this fall.


A long lost friend got in touch with me. That was very cool. He once made guitars in Atlanta and moved back to Indy several years ago. His main source of income was cabinetry. Now, he makes the cabinets for his amps! These are simply the most beautiful amps I have ever seen: Trillium Amps. I wish him the best of luck... not that he needs it with beauties like these!


With regards to playing, I have moved from the Dmin7 arpeggio in Cmajor to Emin7 and Fmaj7 all in the 6/4 position.


There is also a pretty good site for resources that was posted by 'mgoetting'. The site is a bit fumbly but not bad by any means. Check it out.


Maybe... a Heritage to start my college days off and a Trillium amp for a graduation gift? hmmmm...... :D


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