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Another Month, Another G.A.S. Pain

I’ve been back on the Heritage Owners Site, posting sparingly at first, but watching the other members’ posts with great interest. What I really like is the random gallery generator at the top of the screen. Nothing worse to set off a fit of G.A.S pain then seeing all the other Heritage options out there I could be playing. I think after having my 140 for a few months, the honeymoon is over. I guess at this point, I understand now why Brentrocks astounds us with his near daily transactions on both Heritages and other rare guitars. This past month, Brent’s near famous ability to sniff out bargains across the web has netted him a beautiful, yet neglected H150 Goldtop from Rhode Island. Immediately after reading he pulled the trigger I sent him a PM that when (since we know it’s not a matter of “if” B) ) he decides to move the guitar for the next purchase down the road I'd like to have it. I was shocked to know two unnamed others already solicited Brent for the guitar. Amazing to say the least that others think the same as me. But the focus of my blog for this month is not about someone else’s trading habits, but rather my own feeling of G.A.S.


I’ve been eying several different options, just something different that what I already have. The only certainty I have is knowing that I want one single coil type guitar (Stratocaster or Telecaster) and a humbucker/P-90 type guitar at the least. This past month, I was able to secure a 1990 HFT-445 thanks to Brentrocks passing on his custom HFT-450 to KPB810. So my acoustic G.A.S. has been addressed. But what about some other kind of guitar electric guitar I’d like to play? I placed an advertisement on Craigslist about trading my recently acquired 1996 Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster for an equivalent valued Telecaster. After waiting a couple of weeks and no responses, I’m keeping the Stratocaster- for now. But I did see a couple Paul Reed Smith Mira’s on Craigslist for sale or trade. One guy was interested in the 140, but wanted some cash on my part. That offer was hardly a deal to me. But the bug has bitten me. A solid mahogany, two humbuckers, single cutaway has become my new source of G.A.S. pain. I began to ask others about the Heritage 137 guitar. I played Steiner’s last year and really enjoyed that guitar. It has a nice cherry finish to it along with a black pickguard and some sweet P-90 tones to it. Since a PRS Mira doesn’t seem to be an option, perhaps a Heritage 137 will be the newest affection I have. Then there was a fateful trip to Guitar Center.


I went to Guitar Center with another co-worker and one time Heritage Owner to look at a Peavey Wolfgang Special (MIA model). While he was wheeling and dealing with the guitar sales dude, I picked up a vintage Gretsch Corvette. Solid Mahogany, single cut, tremolo, humbuckers (GT Filtrons actually), in a nice cherry finish; not bad for a vintage guitar. But the guitar had a poor neck reset and the electronics were marginal, so much for that value vintage piece of gear at $499. I did notice the Gibson Les Paul Specials, but this time I decided to try a Gibson Les Paul 60’s Tribute Gold Top with P-90’s. Now I have another guitar I want. The action was right, the tone was great, and the finish was cool. So now what do I do?


I put a post up on our beloved HOC forum, “FS/FT TWO FOR ONE.” I put both my H-140 and my Tex-Mex Stratocaster on the forum asking if anyone would be interested in trading my two guitars for a gold top H-150. Doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen as headstock repaired guitars, as sound as the repairs are, are almost a kiss of death on a resale. While it bothers me a little too much that no one wants it, it is a reminder of something my wife and I say to each other often, “God only gives you what he thinks you can handle”. That means to me, if he wanted help me get rid of my guitars, he would. So I’ve removed the listing again then began discussing why I’m not liking the 140 with Brian (KPB810). My problem boils down to tone. I’m an avid blues player and trying to get my 140 to play the blues in a tone that is warm and buttery to me is near impossible. I can grab my strat and get what I want out of it every time. I’m going to replace the remaining old pots and one of the caps to see how that affects the tone. Brian is a big help and an all around great guy. I’m a free advertiser for his amps because the quality is outstanding and his belief in backing up his work is second to none. He has the same attitude when it comes to my 140. He wants me to be happy with it too.


As this month wraps up, I still have the same guitars I started the month with and added a couple new pedals to the mix. G.A.S is a terrible thing to us which I think there is no cure. Many on the HOC have what others may consider as ultimate collections, but even to them it’s never complete. I realize G.A.S is something I should learn to deal with and know that there are many important things in life I need first before another guitar. Life has a funny way of reminding us of that.


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