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  2. I did. I like it a lot. But it is 43lbs for just the head. I have a pretty dicey back problem, so that means schlepping a 43 lb head and 30+lb cab. Two risky lifts, while with a 31 lb combo, I’m reducing the lightest and only one lift. That Dr.Z is a GREAT amp. But not exactly the tone for me. I bought it never having played it and it is amazing and i can get it dialed in with a little effort, but it is definitely way more amp than i need and a little aggressive sounding for me and my use. It is for sale and i am motivated, so someone make a decent offer on it. I just put money into it so it is even better than when i bought it.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Except none fit you anymore!!
  5. That's an awesomely appointed tele!
  6. You need a Mesa Boogie! Hey didn't you just buy a big clean Dr Z 2x6L6 amp?
  7. Thanks all…. Now looking at a 3rd Power Wooly Coats Extra Spanky. 35 watts, 6L6. Only 31 lbs. Anyone tried one? @fxdx99 let me know next time you are in town.
  8. When I was looking for a Fender style amp, I checked out an Accomplice used at a local shop. It was a good sounding amp, but seemed that it went into breakup too early for me. I ended up with a 65 Princeton clone that I've brought to PSP for years. It does clean Fender REALLY well.
  9. Probably the dumbass cabinet builder
  10. Last week
  11. Handle was on the bottom and feet on the top. It was a simple mistake because it was assumed the controls were on the top edge, not the bottom.
  12. I've an Accomplish Jr I purchased from David coming on 20 years now. It's my fav go to amp. Same amp as the Accomplish without the depth and dwell reverb adjustments. They run either 6V6 (22W) or 6L6 (35W) tubes. I use 6V6 which provide plenty of headroom for me and is very similar to a deluxe reverb. The rear bias jacks are convenient and the 'raw' pot (mids gain) make it versatile. I've an eminence red/white/blue speaker and it's been a great lil combo amp. These amps come in kit form as well as fully assembled (David until '22 when he retired and sold the company to new owners). The best amp decision I've ever made. Ah, San Diego - it's been a couple years. Miss OB - Sundays at Aquarius on the Jetty, Monday's at Winstons, clam chowder and a pint on the south beach balcony, quick burger at hodads... sigh.
  13. I wondered the same thing. It looked normal to me.
  14. Just noticed this part. Curious, how was it "upside down"? Was the rare panel attached incorrectly? Or was the vent on the bottom?
  15. That's always great to see. Rare. But definitely great and makes me want to get behind them 110%.
  16. Thanks! I’ve thought about those. I’ll check it out. 22 watts is right on the edge of enough headroom. I’m finding that when i need to play louder, 2 6V6s start to break up. So I’ve been looking for a lighter 6L6 package like Allen Accomplice or Victoria Clube Deluxe.
  17. There are some companies that have chosen to stay they size they are. The growth model is not for everyone, and also comes with a ton of risks. One of those IS the loss of that feel and work ethic. Look at Soldano amplifiers: they never really grew huge, and then joined up with Boutique Amp Distribution after they had to close the factory.
  18. Tad, I think you'd love an 80's Rivera-era Fender Princeton Reverb II. Only 22 watts and 6V6 tubes, but it sounds like a much bigger rig. 🙂
  19. Anyone had experience with this one? There is one for sale local with an upgraded transformer and 6L6s. Thanks Still looking for that holy grail of high headroom 1x12 and manageable weight combo.
  20. Very lucky kids that can enjoy for a life time. Excellent job!
  21. Very cool to read stories like this about great, hands on companies that really care about their products and those that use them. Hopefully they can maintain things how they currently are. Definitely makes me think though: is it possible for a company to expand and grow and still keep that "down to Earth-Mom & Pop" vibe? History leads me to say no. It's understandable that businesses want to grow and expand. That's the whole point right? I've seen numerous companies in this exact position through the years that claim they'll maintain that down home feel, but once you start getting bigger and bigger and bigger, it just seems like it's impossible to do. More employees come in, more offices, bigger facilities, etc, etc, and that all just eventually seems to squash out the "people next door to you doing business" vibe. Sad but almost unavoidable I guess....
  22. Actually, I have a couple of PDF copies of old catalogs, 1989 and 2005. A simple screen shot capture did the trick.
  23. They're near Flint somewhere, yeah? Sounds like pretty awesome customer service. I get a kick out of 'factory tours' at small businesses like that (and old Heritage). At one of the PSPs, Jim W/Alicia took me (and I think bolero) along to a powder coating company. I still have the baseball hat the guy gave me. We also hit the Bigsby 'factory' (more of a garage, really). Maybe I should swing by Metropolous and check it out (not an owner; just appreciate folks that are still actually making things).
  24. Lol, too funny pressure 😅 DB that's supercool! Thanks for the pics. Very impressive & looks like a fun place to explore. I see they're setup to compare the EVH stripped cab approach to regular, too
  25. If anyone wants to actually measure, a set of under-string radius gauges is pretty cheap, under $10 from the usual online sources. Or for $0, get a string, a pencil, an exacto blade, a ruler and some poster board, index card or some other sturdy bit of paper. Tie the pencil to the string and a fixed point like a thumbtack at 12 inches, draw an arc on the index card. Repeat for 10, 11, 13. Trim the arc off with the exacto just wider than the width of your fingerboard. Then measure what you got. (how we did it before pre-made guitar tools became commonplace).
  26. Fun tour, I have great respect for Metropoulos amps.That reminds me of Jim Ws front room. Ha.
  27. I was offered a chance yesterday to visit Metropoulos Amplification yesterday. The purpose was to replace the cabinet of the Metroplex with the correct orientation. Original cabinet was an early prototype and it was built upside down. I was able to meet George yesterday and most of his staff. Very nice people and all guitar players! In a way it reminded me of how Heritage used to be. Odd collections of machinery; some in use and some covered in dust. They not only hand wire the amps, they also build their own cabinets from void-free birch plywood (9 layers deep), custom tolex, all of which is done with such pride that every detail is taken in account. In the room where the cabinets were made, there was lots of saw dust and some things covered in tarps and cobwebs. Reminded so much of the factory floor of Heritage years and years ago. There were old vintage Marshall Amps and cabinets everywhere. Plus many other vintage amps, I think I even saw a tweed Bassman. In every corner it seemed to be vintage and new speakers, guitars, and guitar cases everywhere for testing out this amps. Most of which were rather old and probably valuable. The guitars reminded me of the prototype rack that contained everything Heritage worked on including the ghost builds. i didn’t take any photos of the manufacturing areas out of respect to the company, but I did get a few photos of their demo room after asking permission. This alone was worth the price of admission… Check out this vintage Marshall amps and cabinets
  28. Road Trip! Don't forget your pic Take your wallet Report back here
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