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  1. Yesterday
  2. Both terrific pieces of equipment. Well done. Enjoy.
  3. Was really trying to sell my Dr. Z EZG-50 (great amp, but not quite right for me) before trying something new, but got an offer I couldn’t I couldn’t refuse on this Extra Spanky. It was very appealing as a Princeton size and less than 35 lbs clean high headroom black panel voiced 6L6 amp so I took the plunge. It has proven to be right on target. It is taking a little dialing in to get my sound, but I’m close now after a few days of playing it for 30 minutes here and there in the evenings. It arrived on Monday. Looking forward to this weekend when I’ve got a little more time. The patented Hybrid Master is a really good feature. Very effective at maintaining so close to the same sound/tone at variable volume. Seems like it will be highly useful for gigging depending on the room, crowd noise, band volume, drummer’s mood, etc. and at home for the sake of family harmony. Another great feature is that i’m not as scared that my back will give out when lifting it into the car. That was my primary motivation in looking for something in a package like the Extra Spanky. It was down to this one or an Allen Accomplice with the bigger transformer and 6L6 tubes. That is also a great amp, but this one is almost 10lbs lighter. I might put a neodynium speaker in it to save another 3-4 lbs. I use Eminence Deltalite 2512 in my other amps. Great speaker for a clean jazz sound.
  4. Last week
  5. Ha, Ha,... Same here, I have never sounded like Gary Moore either! Well, played. Your comment made me laugh.
  6. I was in the showroom at the PSP gathering this last summer and really liked the vintage wine burst finish on this H-150. I kind of impulsively bought it and I am glad I did. It is hard to find this finish on new models anymore.
  7. beautiful great guitar
  8. I have never heard ME sound like Gary Moore. I already have 4 guitars that I don't play enough. Do I really need another? Probably not...
  9. 🤣🤣🤣
  10. The Marv Wineburst that Kuz was kind enough to send on to me... And for you blasphemers, here it is with a proper pickguard...
  11. When I ordered my 535 P-90, I told Marv Lamb I wanted the first 535 P-90 and the first Marv Lamb wine-burst finish. Rockabilly wanted it bad so he now has it. I was also told that Marv was the only one that sprayed the Marv wine-burst finish himself.
  12. Most would have never spotted a Heritage unless Suzanne Hoff was playing it. All this time I thought she was the only member of the band... huh....whenever a Bangles' video came on, all I ever saw Suzanne Hoff and her Ric. I'm pretty sure she always performed solo, yep, I never saw a band...😍
  13. I never heard a gun sound like Gary Moore... hmm....
  14. Congrats on a couple cool amps. The Swart is an amp I have been patiently waiting to hear one day.
  15. Now you can custom relic what you have... You can shoot holes into them now. Somewhere, there are YouTube videos of them.
  16. Excellent eye! Never would in a million years watched anything by the Bangles, but its nice to see early adopters. Wonder if the folks of Heritage knew about them or not interested.
  17. Prince wrote it for Apollonia. On the Bangles record, he used a pseudonym, so nobody realized it was Prince.
  18. nice find!
  19. Cool. And I never knew Prince wrote that song! Impressive resume, Snead's tune too.
  20. Nice!
  21. YouTube suggested 'Bangles Frank Zappa, Tonight Show - 1986'. Hoping that FZ was actually sitting in the Bangles (of course not to be), I watched it. The Bangles played their hits of that year, Walk Like an Egyptian and the Prince-penned Manic Monday, both of which sounded pretty good live. Nice vocals. On Manic Monday, spotted what I think is an H-170 being played by Vicki Peterson, which may make the Bangles an early (first?) 'famous user' of Heritage guitars.
  22. Bonus points if it helps with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other/split personality DB your link is to an msn article? Here a Celestion page https://celestion.com/our-news/celestion-debuts-the-peacekeeper-at-namm-2025-attenuating-speaker-technology/
  23. Earlier
  24. You obviously have never heard my playing. I could keep zombies at bay...
  25. It does come in at about 14dB lower, which is quite a bit. The question will be if the tonal balance is similar to something like the Vintage 30 or G12-75. It's not just the volume, but the "sound"! But from what I see, it's an interesting idea.
  26. That is a beautiful top on that H150 - congrats!
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