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  1. Thanks for sharing, OP. Like many others that your post will resonate with, I too have found downsizing liberating in many ways and "rightsizing" as a (attainable) goal, empowering. A reoccurring theme in life, if you will. One of my fav movies, "Into The Wild" and one song in particular from its soundtrack, Society, are poignent commentary IMHO. Even though they are merely a movie and a song; little more than forms of entertainment. Enjoy the time with your youngster before she leaves the nest
    1 point
  2. Less is more, to quote a cliche, and in this case it's working for you. It's always interesting to read your inner meditations. As for myself, I live in 2 rooms, each 12' X 15'. In a space that small, you don't keep anything you don't use. I've been getting rid of books and putting them on kindle. I am replacing CDs with MP3s. I have 5 guitars and that's almost too many. Mostly, if I don't use it, I lose it. In this space, it's a necessity. For about a year and a half, I've been working from home, so, since that started, I save 3 hrs a day in commuting time. Like you, I have a lot of time on my hands, in which I could be doing very productive things, instead I've been watching tv. My challenge now is to decrease tv watching and read/walk/play guitar more. It's a challenge to sit with so much space in time, watching yourself procrastinate and find excuses to not do what needs to be done. Life needs purpose, and we're the ones who have to come up with that.
    1 point
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