That would be two or three different questions. Define "better" {Play, Feel, Sound, Looks, Status or ability hold its tuning, not finish crack be perfect from the factory or?}
"Hold its value" has been a subject here since the beginning. A Gibson will {almost always} have a higher resale value than a 150 but if it starts at twice the original cost or more do the math. A $15,000 Les Paul could depreciate 33% when you leave the store but it's now worth $10,000 and lost more than the total cost new of a CC150. Looking at the sale price of a used CC150 on this forum (a premium market for Heritage guitars) and a $4,500 CC150 goes for what? $3,000? It lost 33% of its value or $1,500 the cost of an Epiphone. What is the lost investment value of the $10,500 never spent on the Gibson over the period of time until it's sold (if ever) minus the $7,000 more in resale value for the Gibson.
Then again, some people pay a premium price for a luxury brand because, they are "worth it"