First gig last night with this little powerhouse went well. Sounded very good. Plenty room filling for a medium sized wine bar/restaurant. Saxophone player said: "great tone! I love that guitar." He didn't know that this amp was new and less than half the size/weight of my other rig (head/cab combined).
I pulled the back panels today to try a different speaker. Eminence Neo Deltalite 2512. I've been using these speakers for a while in other amps. transparent, tight bass, maybe a little on the dark side, but pretty neutral. They take a little break in so we'll see how it goes. definitely sounds cleaner now. not sure better, but definitely more guitar sound and less speaker coloration. was good before, but not spot on, so I thought I'd try something that I like in other amps.
Here's some interior pics to show the guts. it is roughly the size of a Princeton Reverb with beefier components for higher wattage and headroom, so the interior is super clean and very efficient use of space, tight! so much so that to get the speaker out I had to remove some tubes and the reverb tank.