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There is actually a copy of the movie in the Internet Archive. It says it's the UK version. Vanishing Point - Internet Archive.3 points
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Weird, it was there. A bunch of extra chars are now attached to the filename though. Hey it was Nov 22 2017 I started this BLAWG. 5 years?? Really? Erg.. Happy Anniversary, and Happy Thanksgiving!2 points
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I recognized the scene with the blind DJ. I was all like, "Hell yeah, I got this!" . Then clicked over to page 2 and it was all done and dusted. I watched this movie when I was a real young kid, about 6 or 7. I didnt really get all the intricacies of it at the time but the general concept and atmosphere of the film struck me and stuck with me, and so has the movie. I recently smashed into two bulldozers and escaped into the light on the other side. I wouldve done it sooner if I knew that was all it took.2 points
I watch that film a couple times a year. Existential B movie genius. And great shots. "The last American hero, the electric centaur, the demi-god, the super driver of the golden west.....the last beautiful free soul on this planet." Delaney & Bonnie were supposed to do the soundtrack, but ended up in the movie as a bunch of preachers instead. Kim Carnes first vocal recording is her singing over the end credits.2 points
Vanishing Point - 1971 A weird kind of movie, where the "hero" is supposed to deliver a Dodge Challenger to California. Of course, he's doing it at Cannonball Run speeds, so the cops are chasing him across the desert. The final scene has them pulling a pair of bulldozers into the road to stop him, which is the last pic that Bolero posted.2 points
It was actually the radio station that triggered it for me. I really don't remember the pics of the Green Frog Grocery, or Ray's beer joint. But I remember SuperSoul talking to Kowalski over the radio, trying to get him home. Also, Delaney and Bonnie were doing gospel music out in the desert with the snake handler. As for the beer... make mine A&W! ?2 points
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Thanks both Skydog and Pegleg. - thankyou both for the kind words and for taking time to read the blog - I can't believe it's taken so long for me to write the end of my story with the band. I think there is a time for everything and for me the time for playing with the band is done with, but I shall enjoy my guitars without the pressure of having to learn new songs, guitar parts etc. Sure, there are things that I would like to have done, songs I never got to play. But personally for me, I feel that better things are ahead.2 points
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Ha, yeah I remember seeing bits & pieces on late night movie channel when I was a kid. It always fascinated me: the scenery, the desert, the car, the enigma of the ending. Track down the uncut version it does fill some things in. And helps explain the end a bit more than the censored version. I guess there were religious concerns about a visitation by Death incarnate.1 point
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I realised I was running the band and playing in it to please three other people - the other guitar player, bass player and drummer, and not enjoying it myself. Last night I would have been out at a gig. Instead, I have had a wonderful Saturday with my wife.1 point
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Thanks for your comments John, I won't play for free any more, however, we did play for nothing at a club that recently had a fund raising event for prostate cancer research, maany people had given a lot of their time and effort to raise £7000. No one gets drunk in our band, two of us do not drink as were are both of the same faith and the other two are very moderate in their consumtion. Thanks for the kind words about the solo, I perhaps expect too much of myself, and also some of my friends are players that are way above my level and I tend to judge myself against their standards. T=some of these are guys who could walk into a studio and play sessions at a moments notice. But on the whole I really try to give the best performance I can. God bless, Mark.1 point
Peter Green - Hull's hardest working musician! New years eve seems a long time ago now Pete!1 point
Thanks for sharing, OP. Like many others that your post will resonate with, I too have found downsizing liberating in many ways and "rightsizing" as a (attainable) goal, empowering. A reoccurring theme in life, if you will. One of my fav movies, "Into The Wild" and one song in particular from its soundtrack, Society, are poignent commentary IMHO. Even though they are merely a movie and a song; little more than forms of entertainment. Enjoy the time with your youngster before she leaves the nest1 point
If nothing else, it's a cheap experiment to go buy several gauges of the same string and see if you can hear a difference. I'd say it'd be best to record the demos and be able to some how blind shuffle them (and have us vote!) on which one sounds the best. Although, I'm thinking the tiny difference may be tough to discern with a recording. I will say in regards to SRV (and Jimi's) sound that drop tuning makes a bigger difference in sound than changing the gauge of strings, imho.1 point
I am sorry you are so unhappy with the guitar.. I would try to get some satisfaction from your dealer first.. If that is they way you want to go.. But if you really love they it sounds and plays, I would just enjoy it, and accept the fact that it is a hand made guitar!! Just my opinion, and I hope you can work it out!!1 point
I totally agree, but the only thing I see "wrong" in that photo is the dot is a bit off-center. To me, that is insignificant, and wouldn't bother me at all.1 point
Very cool! Not all of us have the opportunity to play with a legend and childhood hero. Congratulations and thanks for the blog.1 point
Nice write up, Josh. Good goals! Looking forward to reading on your progress.1 point
Well doggone it Blues, bless your heart. I need to do the same thing man. Its hard to kick the habit but you did, so maybe I will too. I will lay off for a few days then get right back on it. Yeah, you were leading the way for a while, so maybe when you return it will just be much more tempered. I can learn from this. Good luck in your foray, I have the same goals. I need to focus more though. Good luck it will pay off. Cant wait to hear those new songs next year!1 point