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Doug last won the day on February 20

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    Schoolcraft, Michigan

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  1. I'm a little concerned this could adversely affect the value of my standard H-150 I bought last year.
  2. I thought all those Assent ones were bolt-on necks.
  3. I was in the showroom at the PSP gathering this last summer and really liked the vintage wine burst finish on this H-150. I kind of impulsively bought it and I am glad I did. It is hard to find this finish on new models anymore.
  4. Doug

    NGD H-530

    That is a beauty.
  5. A pinball machine.
  6. This was another one of my tee shirt designs for PSP. I thought this one turned out great for a 2-color silkscreen print. It's pretty challenging to get a sunburst look without technical issues.
  7. That's a really beautiful guitar, Brent. You get that lemon burst flame and the red guitar all in one. My 535 has the Schaller Golden 50's pickups & bridge and that all works well for me.
  8. These are a couple designs I worked on back around 2010 - 2011.
  9. I still regret not pulling the trigger on one of those when they came out.
  10. Just got an H-150 with the SD 59's and I really love the deep tones I get with that guitar. My 535 has the Shaller's and those are really nice and especially versatile on that guitar. I really wanted the SD 59's with that new Heritage to go after the classic LP sound I was after.
  11. Neil Young "Bernard Shakey" is 78 years old and he still fits in his rock and roll shoes.
  12. Doug

    Going shopping

    My buddy got a PRS SE Hollowbody II with the Piezo pickup as well as the humbuckers. I played it through one of the new Fender Vibro champ reissues for hours until he took it from me and said don't you have somewhere you have to be?. I absolutely fell in love with that guitar, and now here I am smitten once again.
  13. Doug

    Doug - 2002 Heritage 535 Custom

    2002 535 Antique Natural with Double VIP My First Heritage. Shot these photos in my front yard.
  14. Thanks. It was a blast for sure. A pretty loose affair.
  15. One more ...
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