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mars_hall last won the day on October 29 2011

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  1. I'd want to get this one back. This is my stock 1960 Les Paul Jr, that actually was a true "Junior" in the original sense of the word, it being a 3/4 scale. I had bought it used down in Indy for $200. The neck was stout and fit my hands well, giving that advantage the long fingered pickers know. While the P90 could get noisy if you were cranked and left the strings open between songs, once you dug in, it had that biting edge you hear when rippin' nails out of old sappy oak. This guitar was stolen during a Christmas Eve burglary of my home back then while I was away. The police recovered it about a month later from a "fence" they had under surveillance. If I remember correctly, this one had a five digit serial number like 00216. The police would know 😜
  2. Tonex pedal then download the appropriate models you want https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tonexpedal/#nl_form_area
  3. mars_hall

    '15 PSP VIII

    This album contains pictures from the eighth Parsons Street Pilgrimage held July 31, 2015
  4. Looks like the pathway to the finish room. If you look out the window here on the left, you see the stack. First door on the left, the old John.
  5. mars_hall

    '14 PSP VII

    This album contains pictures from the seventh Parsons Street Pilgrimage held August 1, 2014
  6. Distinguished!!
  7. mars_hall

    '13 PSP VI

    This album contains pictures from the sixth Parsons Street Pilgrimage held August 2, 2013
  8. Bangkok Thailand
  9. mars_hall

    '12 PSP V

    This album contains pictures from the fifth Parsons Street Pilgrimage held August 3, 2012
  10. How fat is Mama?
  11. mars_hall

    '11 PSP IV

    This album contains pictures from the fourth Parsons Street Pilgrimage held August 5, 2011
  12. mars_hall

    '86 H140CM Custom - ACB

    Need to put that label to the inside so it doesn't get ruined.
  13. mars_hall

    '07 H150CM - OSB

    Very nice looking guitar!
  14. mars_hall

    '86 Stat CSB

    chico owned this one, as I recall
  15. Probably just an optical illusion. This one was a 2009 or so.
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