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kbp810 last won the day on August 14 2024

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  1. Eh, lots of variables and generalizations in play... but in a nutshell; if the amp wattage is higher than what the power/watt handling of a speaker is, it's going to lead to 1 of 2 likely outcomes - 1) the speaker will easily distort... which in some scenarios could be a desirable effect and compliment the amp distortion (especially when paired with another higher power/sensitivity speaker); in other scenarios, it could just sound muddy, "farty", or bad. 2) The speaker could just fail...blow the cone out or toast the voice coil. In the reverse role; if the speaker watt/power handling is way higher than the amp output... usually this will make very little difference. It depends more on the design and sensitivity of the speaker at this point. For example, I love to pair the 300 watt EVM-12L with all sorts of amps, including little 5 watters; fairly transparent speaker pairing that let's more of the amps own voicing be heard (minimal speaker distortion/coloration). Usually the only negative scenario is where it's a speaker with a very heavy cone and low sensitivity; that could be a speaker that needs a whole lot of power to make it move in order to sound good. There's not many guitar oriented speakers out there that fall into this grouping though. It's more in the extreme cork sniffers high end of car or home audio (or cheap garbage speakers from temu or something). TLDR - Low power amp with high power speaker; okay. High power amp with low power speaker; may cause death of speaker, or could get you that cinnamon girl sound you've been searching for all your life (if one was to ever search for such a sound).
  2. Eh... I was about to make a long drawn out whiny post about my attempts at getting a bespoke made... but will just condense it to say; once asked for a 150 custom core in faded blue to match an amp my kid and I made (that was it, just the color; and it was a color they've done before); was told no. Later down the road there was some possible horse trade dealing going on, for which my terms were a 150 custom core in faded blue with split inlays or something to make it unique for my daughter; was again told no. As Blues hinted at; I think the program is just a teaser, and really only open to artists and influencers. They don't really have any interest in making unique one-offs; except maybe for NAMM. Which I do get, to some extent... they probably don't want to trump their own standard line up or things they've made for endorsing artists and what not. It's a different world and a different Heritage.
  3. That looks like VWB, a Marv speciality
  4. Agreed Now... I do wish "Heritage" continued success and growth. I know they are making great guitars, expanding the name recognition, and doing what they feel they need to do to thrive in today's market... but that doesn't mean I have to accept that it's the same company with the same story that I fell in love with so many years ago. I used to have to often explain my Heritages to people; but I could do so with pride. Now that conversation becomes a little more drawn out; add in these cheap bolt-on reasonable facsimiles for "Heritages", and that conversation now starts to become quite pedantic. If they had only put "Ascent" or even "Heritage Ascent" on the headstock... something to differentiate it from the main brand... I feel like that would have been a little better. But since they didn't, it does, to me, feel like it dilutes the brand as a whole. Then again, it's not like my opinion means much to anyone, and I'm certainly not the target consumer for these. So I guess I just typed all that out simply to hear myself think out loud.
  5. Video reminds me of the time I had the pleasure of working on this -
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