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davesultra last won the day on April 22 2024

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    SE Michigan
  • Interests
    Being "The" Premier Hack guitarist!

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  1. I believe the brown one on the right was the one I used to own. Sold it back in 2016.
  2. 56’ LP Junior that I got from Brent about 11-12 years ago. Only because I could have sold it for 3 times the price now!
  3. I have all the stock Schaller stuff on my 88’ H-140. It’s not my favorite, but I don’t dislike it enough to change the hardware to something else.
  4. That’s one purdy guitar you got there. Enjoy!
  5. davesultra

    Ultra Millie

    2010 Millennium Ultra Standard
  6. Great entry. Thanks for everything you did!
  7. Give it a try, and you just might like it. And if so, who the crap cares what string gauge you play?! If you and the Mrs. are confident in your manhood, that's all that matters!!!!!!
  8. I put 9s' on my 25.5" scale guitars, and 10s' on 24.75 & 25" scale guitars. I've tried 8s' (Extra Slinkys) but just don't like the feel. As far as tone is concerned, I have never found that larger gauge strings have a distinguishable effect on tone. YMMV
  9. The dots are a bit off, but for me I would have never noticed such a thing. Also keep in mind that these are hand made guitars, and human hands are never going to be "perfect". I realize too that everyone's standards may be different. I'd say if it bothers you enough, contact your dealer or try the gang in K-Zoo. Best of luck with your issue.
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