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schundog last won the day on December 31 2023

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    Central Illinois

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  1. I remember this moment; this was when I realized that Steiner, my acoustic bridge buddy, had sold his HFT 445 to Glide. I called him every name in the book for abandoning me, but he managed to come back to the bridge this year, anyway.
  2. Well, it WAS, for a season... Permanently at home in Illinois, now, you are welcome to come visit her anytime, buddy.
  3. schundog


    To me, this is the most beautiful Heritage ever built!
  4. What a great shot!
  5. Frank is The Man. Thanks for taking me to The Music Gallery this spring, Richard!;
  6. schundog

    Down sizing.

    Right ON, Jeff. While I haven't gone as completely crazy as you have, I AM slowly but surely paring down my stuff that I've started hoarding over the years. At one point I had 25 guitars, I think. Nuts! I'm down to 17 or 18, including 1 Bass and a few acoustics. I was just looking at some of them on the wall the other day, thinking, "I REALLY don't need a few of these!!" A couple more might be on the chopping block soon. Keep on Rockin, brother.
  7. The Mandolin Brothers!
  8. HAHA!! I HAD to take that picture. I forget the bearded guy's name, but he was a relatively new hire at Heritage, and the size differential between him and Guy was too good to pass up.
  9. Man, there is a lot going on in this pic!
  10. schundog

    '08 H150 - VSB

    Thank you so much, Mark, for selling me this beauty, and holding it for me for a couple days while I sold my Gibson Les Paul Classic to be able to buy it! This picture really shows it's beauty.
  11. That's my Baby! That was Brent's...... That was Big Bob's....... That was KBP810's....... That was DetroitBlues...... She got AROUND.....
  12. KBP810 has apparently told his wife that he just ordered another custom Heritage, and a bigger diamond for her wedding ring is just going to have to wait.....
  13. The Coolest Cat in Las Vegas, NV.
  14. On Thursday night at PSPV, about 15 guys (and Deb, Brent's wife) congregated in Millenium Maestro and my room, chatting, oogling over guitars, etc. I handed RIch my HFT 445, and he proceeded to remind me what the thing was SUPPOSED to sound like!
  15. Slammer and DetroitBlues; Double Trouble, indeed! Will had to get his guitar playing in on Thursday, as he was behind the kit all night Friday.
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