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mtpatty last won the day on November 19 2015

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    Albany, GA
  • Interests
    Guitars, Poker, and Travel

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  1. my 1969 Fender Telecaster (blonde with maple neck)- purchased in a pawn shop in Clinton, SC on 2/7/77 for $ 120.00 traded for a 1965 Gibson Melody Maker (which I sold when I need money to get back to Germany in 1984). my 1975 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe (Tobacco Sunburst)- purchased from an employee (his private guitar) at Pecknell Music in Greenville, SC on 4/22/78 for $450.00 sold to a friend at Ft. Riley, Kansas in 1985. Eventually, this one popped up on eBay in 2010 and I almost bought it back. my 1985 Gibson Les Paul Custom (Alpine White)- traded a 1987 Kramer Beretta (Black) w/ Floyd Rose for it in an even trade. (This is the one I miss the most)- 1988. sold in law school, as I was in need of money for my family. (Practically gave it away at $ 375.00) in 1992.
  2. very nice- sorry that you had to deal with the Satanic H/W duo- but sounds like things are on the mend! Good luck to you guys! All the best- Mark
  3. wow- that is quite the story. So glad you are done with such trashy people. It is a real shame when someone not even in the band causes such an uproar- good luck finding a great replacement!
  4. very cool blog- nice report on the gig and Mrs. Satan. lol
  5. excellent that you have a new guitarist- and as far as the old guitarist..."karma is a b*tch"... yes, WA is a fantastic band! Also, good for you on scolding of the "openers"...I hate non-courteous people with that "hey look at me" attitude.
  6. very nice report indeed- all my best, Mark
  7. mtpatty

    mtpatty - Heritage H150's

    My Heritage H150's
  8. I have a Fender Hwy1 Neck w/ Sperzels and MIM Body with a Carvin Case Dimarzio HS3, HS2, and SDS1 pups...$ 550.00 and I will ship free if in CONUS Mark...pics available

  9. dude love the H157...I have an H150 (with ebony board) that looks very similar...love the black hardware...

  10. beautiful color! Awesome guitar!
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