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Heritage1970 last won the day on December 24 2024

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  1. SWEET!! 👍
  2. Nice find Brent!
  3. Yeah, I LOVE HRW's. Can't get enough of them! Such clarity and definition. As for Schallers: I've always wondered why so many don't like them? I've never had a problem with them. I always have to laugh when I read something has been "upgraded." Based on what? Price? Opinion? It's ALL opinion. Some people like chocolate ice cream, some don't. That doesn't mean replacing chocolate with vanilla is necessarily an "upgrade", it's just your preference and opinion. At the end of the day, plug the guitar in and if you like it you're good, if you don't move on to another guitar. There is no good or bad, just preference.
  4. Yours too! Great to see these two in pictures one after the other- love the look of these Ultras!
  5. Beautiful guitar! Here's it's Sister- a 2005 Ultra. Thanks for posting- great read! As you mention, I think Heritage started off using Schaller as Gibson was using Schaller hardware, etc in the late 70's/early 80's. So when Heritage opened, I'm sure it was easy to just stick with things that were already being used. I have never had a problem with Schaller pickups. I know so many do, but they've always worked just fine for me. And at the end of the day, it's all opinion. One person thinks Schallers sound terrible, then the next person has found their dream tone. There really is no "one sound fits all" in the guitar world, and thank God for that!
  6. I've made my living with music as a full time musician for 30+ years now, and I'll be lugging out my tube amps till the very end. I get the convenience factor, but as with most things I've found: when you try cutting corners, something else ends up suffering. In this case, the tone IMO. Just can't beat feeling that wave of sound blowing out of an amplifier. To me, there's no substitute for the real thing.
  7. That's always great to see. Rare. But definitely great and makes me want to get behind them 110%.
  8. Very cool to read stories like this about great, hands on companies that really care about their products and those that use them. Hopefully they can maintain things how they currently are. Definitely makes me think though: is it possible for a company to expand and grow and still keep that "down to Earth-Mom & Pop" vibe? History leads me to say no. It's understandable that businesses want to grow and expand. That's the whole point right? I've seen numerous companies in this exact position through the years that claim they'll maintain that down home feel, but once you start getting bigger and bigger and bigger, it just seems like it's impossible to do. More employees come in, more offices, bigger facilities, etc, etc, and that all just eventually seems to squash out the "people next door to you doing business" vibe. Sad but almost unavoidable I guess....
  9. Hope everyone has a great Holiday!
  10. Oh wow! It does! They're definitely Sisters! Not too many of these made. Yours looks great!
  11. SWEET!! Great picture! Thanks for posting. Happy Holidays!
  12. NICE!! 👍 👍
  13. Still have my 1993 H-475. Incredible guitar!
  14. BEAUTIFUL!! Great score Brent! Really love this one
  15. I agree. That being said- great looking guitars and to each their own. They're your guitars, so do whatever you feel like to make them right for you and how you like them. Personally, if I want something to be like a Gibson, I'll get a Gibson. A Heritage is a Heritage and I think it's cool that they have their own things- hardware, etc, that set them apart from Gibson. I've just never been big on swapping out anything, period. I had a big conversation with Warren Haynes about this and he's the same way. We both agreed: if he picks up a guitar and it's not doing it for him, he just goes for a different guitar- no thought about swapping pickups, etc. Just moves on. I've always been the same. I just have this weird feeling of "that's what the guitar was born with" - you either like it or you don't. But I know I'm in the minority. And again- that's just me- everyone should do what makes them happy if it's your guitar.
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