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ElNumero last won the day on December 22 2024

ElNumero had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    "Gulf Harbors" New Port Richey, FL
  • Interests
    Heritage Guitars: H-150-3; H-535-2; H-555-2; H-137; H-137 (HOC PSP LE #5); H-155 Millie DC; H-155M; H-574; H-530

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  1. Except none fit you anymore!!
  2. Nobody hates that finish. They just affectionately call it clown burst. I love mine, it’s my first Heritage 150 Q serial number
  3. Dibs please!!!
  4. I’ll be selling a bunch on here soon. The flood disaster taught me to downsize.
  5. That’s $50k right there!!!
  6. But not really. Traditionally the 137 has always had a wrap around bridge/tailpiece. This “new” version looks like an H150 sans the carved maple top. Personally I don’t like it. Glad I bought my ltd edition 137 six years ago.
  7. I have one just like it in trans red!
  8. Absolutely Daniel. The only reason I swapped out the Schaller hardware on my 2001 150 with the Nashville style was just for appearance . I didn’t notice any difference in sound at all after. I could care less where it was made.
  9. Something to consider; the original Schaller hardware was actually manufactured in Germany. The ABR-1 and Nashville hardware that is used on Gibson‘s and probably Heritage too is all made in China.
  10. Eh?? I speak fluid Canadian eh? Used to cross the big Ambassador Bridge as a youth going to the *itty bars in that country frequently eh? Yah, I get in with the neighbors to the North quite well. Eh?
  11. If I brought a cigar, could I come??
  12. Thanks Brent!!!
  13. Snatch Dan, snatch!!
  14. The guitar was PLEKED, buffed and setup before shipping. Looks as brand new as it did in 2016!
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