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ElNumero last won the day on August 27

ElNumero had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    "Gulf Harbors" New Port Richey, FL
  • Interests
    Heritage Guitars: H-150-3; H-535-2; H-555-2; H-137; H-137 (HOC PSP LE #5); H-155 Millie DC; H-155M; H-574; H-530

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  1. But not really. Traditionally the 137 has always had a wrap around bridge/tailpiece. This “new” version looks like an H150 sans the carved maple top. Personally I don’t like it. Glad I bought my ltd edition 137 six years ago.
  2. I have one just like it in trans red!
  3. Absolutely Daniel. The only reason I swapped out the Schaller hardware on my 2001 150 with the Nashville style was just for appearance . I didn’t notice any difference in sound at all after. I could care less where it was made.
  4. Something to consider; the original Schaller hardware was actually manufactured in Germany. The ABR-1 and Nashville hardware that is used on Gibson‘s and probably Heritage too is all made in China.
  5. Eh?? I speak fluid Canadian eh? Used to cross the big Ambassador Bridge as a youth going to the *itty bars in that country frequently eh? Yah, I get in with the neighbors to the North quite well. Eh?
  6. If I brought a cigar, could I come??
  7. Thanks Brent!!!
  8. Snatch Dan, snatch!!
  9. The guitar was PLEKED, buffed and setup before shipping. Looks as brand new as it did in 2016!
  10. Hey Tim, just realized “our” former girl didn’t have F holes like the new girl I am getting. Does that change the model designation and do you know if the internal construction the same?
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