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Everything posted by rwinking

  1. Does anyone know anything about the 225 classics? What are they modeled after? Maybe they are like the HRWs?
  2. Does Heritage sell the 225 classic humbuckers and how much are they?
  3. An HX Stomp or HX FX or Plethora X5 can be had for the price of a good pedal. I have had my Helix go down and I was up and running in a few minutes. Someone mentioned something about needing a cumputer to program things. I think I might be faster on the Line 6 than hooking it up to a computer these days. Same with the Quad Cortex. Once you understond one of these units the others are similar enough to figure out with very little trouble. Kind of like Cubase or Protools. It may take a little time at first but once you understand some basic stuff it's a lot easier. And I am not some young digital punk. I am an old analog guy who grew up with analog FX and analog studios. I do combine digital and analog. I use protools but use mostly analog preamps, compressers, etc. And many of them have tubes. I have one all Digital rig but 90% of the time I use tube amps with digital FX. And Daniel. I love those Mission Engineering Xpression pedals a lot!
  4. I have also enjoyed Pete Thorn's compresser. There are a lot of cool verbs on that Plethora X5. It's nice that you can set it up to run stuff via 4CM. I use those pedalsnakes for that so I only have one cable running at a gig.
  5. I have always liked rack stuff. With a pedalboard you have to either tweak with your feet or bend over and tweak. I started using the old Ibanez UE 400 rack FX (all analog!) back in the late 70s or ealy 80s. I have the switches on the floor but can add/subtract stuff by turning around instead of bending over. My Helix is the rack version and even with the Quad Cortex I keep it at waist level and use a floor midi switching system to change FX. I do use the Plethora X5 for really simple gigs where I only need a couple of basic tones. The Hall of Fame reverbs in there are stellar as are the delays
  6. Interesting! So they must have gotten rid of the poker chip and changed the pickguard at some point. I just looked at my 86 Les Paul Custom Lite and it has the same style pickguard as the earlier Heritages like mine and TalismanRich's H-140. My 86 H-140 has no pickguard at all.
  7. Spoke too soon.....my H-150 from 2008 (V serial number)has a poker chip too. Both it and My H-170 also have a more angular pickguard whereas the other two H=150s have pickguards that follow the rounded contour of the body. Wow, that last phrase made me hot....
  8. So in the thread regarding customizing a Heritage, the poker chip came up. I thought I might start another thread on this. I never gave it much thought until I looked today and found that my 80s H-170 and H-140 both have the much malligned poker chip. Were these stock back then and later removed as my newer H-150s never had them? I bought both of these guitars used a long time ago and now wonder if someone "customized" them or was this how they were back then? If they were not stock in the 80s I need to get rid of them pronto before any of you poke fun at me.
  9. I have not used a pedalboard in years. Now I have a bunch of the Helix stuff, a Quad Cortex and also the Pleathora X5. They are all similar once I got used to them. Since I rarely use the modeled amps I have plenty of computing power to run as many FX as I need. Setting up pedal order is easy, with the QC being the easiest....take my finger, put it on the effect and move it to where I want it. The line 6 stuff is simple too but doesent have a touch screen. It is way easy. It's like having a bunch of different pedal boards and I can just call them up as needed. The paralysis for me is deciding which of the many reverbs or boosts, DDLs, Choruses. etc. I want to use, But once I found my favorites, it was easy to save them and pull them up whenever I need. Most of these devices also have a favorites place to store my fovorites effects and my favorite settings so I don't have to tweak whatever I pull up. Of course there are FX I will probably never use but they are there in case someone asks me for a strange ass sound for a song. All of my units have an FX loop or two so that if I want to incorporate some outboard pedal or two it is easy. I can even switch them on and off through the unit. Since I still use tube amps, even the digital boost pedals sound great. I use the Helix rack for most of my gigs. If it were to go out, I carry either the X5 or Quad Cortex as a back up and they take up very little room in my bag. The learning curve was steep a few years ago but I got the hang of it now. It was well worth the work. Thanks God for youtube, though, as anything I have been confused on , there was a video to unconfuse me.
  10. I'll try that. What are the experiences regarding tone? Like I said, the neck pickup is pretty dark. So far I prefer either the Dimarzio Anniversay PAFs or the Seth Lovers.
  11. In another post I mentioned how I found a store doing a BOGO with H-150 CCs. So I ended up with an Artisan Aged CC for less than half price. It is a great guitar but I was suprised at how "meh" the pickups were especially the neck pickup. (I assume they are not potted as they squeal at higher volumes) They just seem to lack a certain sparkle that most high end pickups seem to have. Anyone else experience this?
  12. That band is really......white sounding...... And there is something kind of fishy about her first trumpet solo.....She has a straight mute in and it sounds unmuted......
  13. I have two H-150s, an H-170 and an old H-140 and I replaced the Schallers with the Dimarzio Anniversar PAFs. I had some Wagners and Wolftones and tried a few others but the Dimarzios hold their own. And the price is incredible. Once I AB'd and measured some Wagner Filmores and the Dimarzio Super Distortions and could not tell the difference. And they measured out exactly the same. I guess the difference was $180 per set vs $450 per set. I do have sme SD's in my H-535 and they are really nice and warm.
  14. Wasn't there a Heritage Little one? I would have had to draw the line on that one. "Look at that guitar player up there. Doesn't he have a little one?"
  15. Also the H-137, H-160. H-162 and H-170.
  16. Thanks Mark! Now that I think about it I bought it from someone on this site and I think they said that it was a VSB. I never really gave it much thought as I assumed that I could always take the plate off if I wanted to sell it and needed to know what it was.
  17. This one is a k seriel number so it should have one but......
  18. I get that. was just wondering if there is another way to tell like by seriel number or if there is another place it may be hidden.
  19. Probabaly going to sell one of my H150s but I pulled that plate off and usually there is a sticker saying what it is and what color the guitar is, etc. This one has nothing. Hmm.....it looks kind of dirty lemon but not 100% sure. Any ideas?
  20. So I went into a music store and they had a BOGO free sale going on. To my surprize they had three brand new Heritages. An H150 CC, an H150 CC Artisan Aged and 575. Basically for $4700 I got a new 575 and a CC Artisan. I struggle with the aged guitar as I usually worry when I get a new guitar that I might get a ding. So buying an aged guitar, one doesn't have to worry. However if I pay less and then not give a shit about the clean guitar I can age it myself. But the flame on the CC Artisan sold me. So now I have more guitars. I suppose that in order to pay for these new ones I will have to sell an older one. I have a K seriel number burst that is quite nice and may show up here in the classifieds soon. Pictues will show up sooner or later.
  21. How can you guys sell guitars that you love? It would be like selling a kid and then years later realizing that you miss them. "Why did I sell little Jimi? Now that I think about it, he was a pretty nice kid.....wish I hadn't....." To paraphrase one of the Freak Brothers "A guitar will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no guitars." I have never sold a guitar that I loved. Maybe that is why I have so many of them. I did have one of those old Stella guitars with cowboys painted on it. My brother and I stripped it as it did not look cool at the time. He still has it au natural. I wished we hadn't stripped it. Does that count?
  22. Whoa Mark! That is beautiful! Was it a local find?
  23. For the most part, I still use all tube amps. My Quad Cortex is starting to appear in smaller gigs though. I will say that all of my FX are now digital with the QC andLine 6 Helix Rack accounting for all of my FX. That being said, I have not had to deal with buying a wah pedal in years as both Line 6 and QC have rather incredible wah models, my favorite being the QC's version of the Bad Horsie. I use the Mission Engineering FX pedals to trigger the wah. I think all in all there are about 12 different wah models between Line 6 and the QC, I do not miss the complicated pedalboards at all.
  24. I own the blue leon rhodes and bought it from John Covach. Did you once own it? I was doing a little research and your name came up on the HOC site.

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