Well, I agree the best thing would be to check directly the guitar , but I should drive more than 8 hours to go there and back, so I'm trying to have more informations, before I leave.
I also asked an opinion to Heritage support, and Mike answered me immediately, they are wonderful!
He told me that is difficult to judge from a picture, however it seems that heat, maybe fire or something else created a stress on the surface of that part, but it seems that the neck hasn't been removed or deeply damaged. He also confirmed that is a 2006 Guitar . I will try to ask new pictures and a video, however it all depends on the economic negotiation, at first it was a swap and some money to him with my Les Paul Deluxe of first 70's that was highly modified, a great axe with Wizz Paf, but very hard to sale. Now, that I know all the problems of that 575, I think an exchange could be the only way to close the deal.