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Everything posted by robbg

  1. Well, I agree the best thing would be to check directly the guitar , but I should drive more than 8 hours to go there and back, so I'm trying to have more informations, before I leave. I also asked an opinion to Heritage support, and Mike answered me immediately, they are wonderful! He told me that is difficult to judge from a picture, however it seems that heat, maybe fire or something else created a stress on the surface of that part, but it seems that the neck hasn't been removed or deeply damaged. He also confirmed that is a 2006 Guitar . I will try to ask new pictures and a video, however it all depends on the economic negotiation, at first it was a swap and some money to him with my Les Paul Deluxe of first 70's that was highly modified, a great axe with Wizz Paf, but very hard to sale. Now, that I know all the problems of that 575, I think an exchange could be the only way to close the deal.
  2. Thanks you for your contribution. I know it's difficult to judge through a photo, but I would appreciate any opinion about the neck of this guitar that seems someway remove, or painted twice, I'm referring to that part brown painted,at the joint point of the neck to the body..
  3. Thanks you for yor input, I gave a look at the list on the official website, but I couldn't find those letters.. 🤔
  4. This is the label inside the F hole,but I can't date the guitar, I didn't find the WD or WA code, cany anybody help me please? it is a custom shop or a Standard? I would like also to know if both versions are solid wood or Standard are laminated wood...
  5. It seems that Simeone had cut the upper part of the headstock in order to make it Gibsonish..
  6. Grazie mille! La mia esperienza è che se una paletta rotta viene riparata bene, durerà per sempre, ma un manico resettato su quel tipo di chitarre, non lo so... forse influenzerà anche il suono. Comunque chiederò una foto della paletta dall'alto.
  7. Thanks a lot... If there Is "only" a modified headstock or even a repaired headstock, the guitar could still be well playing (obviously with a different price), but a different neck would be a sort of Frankstein Guitar..The logo seems to me original, but the picture is cut just in the upper part.
  8. I found this picture of another 575 on web, It seems the same kind of serial number..
  9. Thanks you very much for your note, I have had the same thought but I was not sure, and in addiction photos can make appear something that Is not real, I'm referring to the joint of the neck, the colour seems darker..
  10. Hi! After a long period, I'm going to buy a Heritage Guitar again. In the pasta years I've had two h150 a h 535 and now I'm booking for a h575. I found one here in Italy, but it is quite far away from my house, so I'm trying to get informations in order to decide if It Is a good idea to travel eight hours to go there. Is there anybody who can help me to date this Guitar? I don't know if the serial number is a H... or something else. I also noticed that It Is written just USA instead of Kalamazoo Usa or made in Usa. It seems a old guitar and It Is a H 575 Classic Custom Shop. Thanks to everybody who will help me, and sorry for my spaghettish english!
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