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kennyv4 last won the day on January 29 2023

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    Cleveland, Ohio

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  1. Nice comparison. I'm a tube amp snob. When I have done solo gigs, I use a Princeton Reverb or Carr Rambler. With a group I use a modeling amp. IMO sound is not as critical when playing with other musicians due to different genre of the music that is played.
  2. I totally agree with you that hum-free P90's in an H-530 would be a great option. I have a Fender Tele and Jazzmaste Ultra with noiseless pickups and they are great.
  3. Very nice indeed, congratulations.
  4. Sweet, enjoy,
  5. It has to make you feel good that your love for making music with the guitar has been passed down to your Grandson. It was my Grandmother who instilled that passion in me back in the 50's.
  6. Nice find.
  7. I'm glad you figured it out.
  8. Congratulations on a great find, I know it will sound fantastic at your next gig,
  9. That's a keeper.
  10. The amp looks and sounds fantastic.
  11. Very nice. I know why you played those amps outside. If you played them inside it would probably peel the wall paint.
  12. Nice find. Beautiful guitar, congratulations and enjoy.
  13. Thanks for your review
  14. Wow, two great amp choices, congratulations. I have a Swart AST, which I love. I have always wanted to try out a Henriksen. Does the Swart sound brighter than the Henriksen? Being solid state and geared for jazz, does the Henriksen sound a little muddy?
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