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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Dark almond burst (upgrade)
  2. Does the Falcon do anything besides look effing cool?
  3. My wife's father passed when she was 10. He left her this Guild T-100 slim jim (early 60s?) modified,of course. The P90 was lovely. It was stolen in 2017.
  4. Great amp. I've had mine for a couple of years and have not found a bad sound yet. The multi-watt switch makes it resemble a Champ<Princeton<Deluxe<Pro<Bandmaster at 2<10<20<30<40 watts respectively. You can also plug the speaker into one of the 4ohm jacks at 2, 10, or 20 watts to change the characteristics. My tubes are all a bit micro phonic but only slightly noticeable. I did have to take it in for service. One of the caps associated with one 12AX7 (V6) was going out. Everything is all better now. This amp has a 5 year warranty and luckily I live near Petaluma CA.
  5. Hey, For a simple but awesome sounding drum app for your phone, try LOOPZ. It was created by Paul Davids (guitar youtuber). It is not a drum machine but it is great for jamming. I run mine through my bluetooth speaker.
  6. Great Heritage video by Tim Pearce.
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