Business first, of course I get it, but how do hold onto and grow the essence of what makes Heritage special? I hope they have a business strategy for that. Would hate to loose it and it becomes just fades into another brand.
Does anyone know if they make a left handed version?
I think it's a wise idea to get into the lower cost markets but one positioned in the center market would have better complimented the current offerings. Time will tell.
I see I'm not the only one... 535. Just love the craftsman ship that's needed to build these. The size is and tone of course have a huge impact too. Mine is 8 lbs. so it fits me great and with the bit of a chunkier neck it feels nice to fret too.
Thanks Nuke. I have also read that it may affect electronics. I think I'm going to stay away from this process. The sun has been working well for the case and I'm thinking of trying the Naptha on the guitar it's self.
Hoping to not have to as well. I like the older style of case and this one is great condition minus the smell of course. Being in the sun has aleviated the smell from the outside of the case now working on the interior.