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  1. Alain


    Thanks so much for your answer, it's exactly what I needed. Yes, I mean pick-up I didn't know this Word in english. I gonna try just to clean all the stuff first, but I asked for a new hardware just in case... I'll let you know. Thanks again, Alain.
  2. Alain


    Oups...I didn't pay attention, sorry. above are the photos in JPG, of course ! I meant microphones, you will understand by viewing the pic...
  3. Alain


    Hi LK155, yes, I forgot to precise it was a Roy Clark guitar. Thank for your answer. ASB ! I thouht it was something like 1713 ! I get it ! You're right, it's on the back of the headstock, and I didn't notice : I read H08903 or may be h08905. Actually, I need to change the microphones and the volume and tonality controllers buttons (potentiometers ?) full of dust and making crr...crr...crr... when I wanna play. So, the guitar appears like being totally destroyed...But no, it's not ! What kind of micros would you take ? Thank you very much. 20250114_125231.heic 20250114_125635.heic 20250114_125213.heic
  4. Alain


    Hi all, I'm Alain, living in France (La Rochelle - Atlantic coast) and I am the happy owner of an Heritage guitar. My brother gave it to me a couple of years ago, before he died suddenly. So...I can't ask him anything about my guitar ! But I love it so much. One of my problem is to know exactly which model is my instrument : I read the topic about decoding the serial numbers, but it didn't helped me. The only serial number I can see is inside the guitar, I can't really read it, and there is no letter... I put a photo above, and I will attach some more later but I need to resize the pictures before (to heavy). I have a lot of others questions ! I hope someone could help me. Thanks. 20250114_122653.heic
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