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Spectrum13 last won the day on January 31

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    Trying not to do dumb things

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  1. Welcome to the cult! We have a saying, photos or it never happened.
  2. Check out the truss rod cover! Give a way much?
  3. There was a reason when the old guard retired, Heritage only made the 535 and 150's and discontinued or limited production of archtops. They opened to Sweatwater and other large retailers and cut off lots of brick and mortar, mom and pops stores. They were looking at the bottom line. The time and expense of building one-off for Boomers and dealing with expectations of same was altruistic and a money suck. Having a website promising future "bespoke" and making the occasional for a high-profile player and influencers is smart marketing. I was fortunate to have my builds made in 2009, 2011 and 2013. Those days are gone forever over a long time ago, oh well!
  4. CP Thornton https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=7ae64cafba0f6c458fe46b9b335271fcf99aa38659a8add00fbdb51ad70f72aeJmltdHM9MTc0MTkxMDQwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=2333531d-5b6d-6ebb-0060-471b5a7a6fdb&psq=chuck+thornton&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY3B0aG9ybnRvbmd1aXRhcnMuY29tLw&ntb=1 Can't believe Kuz or Tim don't have some of them
  5. Skunk works? Don't know
  6. Thanks for posting. I attempted to look up "Jerry Reid Aria Pro 2" but got bombarded with pages of junk via my bruiser.
  7. Brockburst much? That's the ticket!
  8. What model is Jerry playing? The cutaways look very different and the headstock appears to have a model name on it.
  9. No disrespect but does your engineer hat cover your ears? For real. All talk and studies on what is or is not on pickup design and construction lack two of the most important considerations especially for players and listeners as we age. When was your last hearing test and what is the spectrum of frequencies you can actually hear? There is as much a chance everybody you are communicating with has the same number of hairs on their heads as the same drop off of high frequencies. Fact The way our brain interprets sounds and vibrations hitting our eardrum is unique to each of us. Suggest you read
  10. I would prefer more of that curl and less of the dark edges on that burst as well. Don't know what we can't see under the finish though. Fantastic top!!!
  11. Oh Jenny Jenny!
  12. It's bling Josh! Reminds me of what dads told us in the 60's and 70's about choosing a muscle car. If you want the big horses, you got to feed them.
  13. Your builds were stellar, so well thought out and tasty
  14. Unlike the 60's I can remember the 90's when PRS was either an improvement over a Gibson, a cross between a Fender and a Gibson or the rediscovered secret sauce of the McCarty era due to Ted McCarty offering his insights from 1948 through 1966 at 225 Parsons street. They were built with a flawless finish and had the "10" tops. One could argue that J.P., Moots, Marv Lamb and Jim D. were the craftsman that actually built these golden era guitars and ordered the woods and thus were the secret sauce and we on this forum were/are their cult members. Does the additional cost of a 10 top from the mill equal the additional retail pricing? Does the visual difference justify calling a guitar better or are we talking about a piece of art? What makes a painting hanging in a museum worth more that paint and canvas?
  15. That would be two or three different questions. Define "better" {Play, Feel, Sound, Looks, Status or ability hold its tuning, not finish crack be perfect from the factory or?} "Hold its value" has been a subject here since the beginning. A Gibson will {almost always} have a higher resale value than a 150 but if it starts at twice the original cost or more do the math. A $15,000 Les Paul could depreciate 33% when you leave the store but it's now worth $10,000 and lost more than the total cost new of a CC150. Looking at the sale price of a used CC150 on this forum (a premium market for Heritage guitars) and a $4,500 CC150 goes for what? $3,000? It lost 33% of its value or $1,500 the cost of an Epiphone. What is the lost investment value of the $10,500 never spent on the Gibson over the period of time until it's sold (if ever) minus the $7,000 more in resale value for the Gibson. Then again, some people pay a premium price for a luxury brand because, they are "worth it"
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