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Everything posted by fxdx99

  1. Like the specs he placed on this one - pickups, color, bigsby. Very cool (to me) vibe, good weight.
  2. The Dickey Betts mod (as I think of it as that's where I first saw it). Good question on if it's a master or remains neck on Koch's.
  3. YouTube suggested 'Bangles Frank Zappa, Tonight Show - 1986'. Hoping that FZ was actually sitting in the Bangles (of course not to be), I watched it. The Bangles played their hits of that year, Walk Like an Egyptian and the Prince-penned Manic Monday, both of which sounded pretty good live. Nice vocals. On Manic Monday, spotted what I think is an H-170 being played by Vicki Peterson, which may make the Bangles an early (first?) 'famous user' of Heritage guitars.
  4. Interesting that Opry back line has them. Thanks. The tonemaster series has direct to PA like most modelers so would think applicable for this discussion. They just include a speaker should us old school cats wanna use it as a monitor. They’ve run for 4.5 years so far without significant failure rates, but yeh, once fail it’d be replace rather than service (tho with $0 annual maintenance over it’s life).
  5. I've been considering this solely for weight. A couple friends have recently went w/the blonde DR Tonemaster. I had one at my house for a bit to a/b to my Allen (kinda DR). Soundwise, it's impressive. Works for me. It's modeler at 23lbs/$1100 compared to DR at 42lbs/$1700(+) - save 19lbs and $600. At some point, I'll likely get one. Won't sell my tube amps right away, if ever (not all of them anyway), so it's not really a $ delta for me. Just weight relief. Like the option of lower weight at times and a lighter backup amp. Also considering the Victory V4 paired w/a single 12 neodymium cab. Few more $, even lighter.
  6. I've an Accomplish Jr I purchased from David coming on 20 years now. It's my fav go to amp. Same amp as the Accomplish without the depth and dwell reverb adjustments. They run either 6V6 (22W) or 6L6 (35W) tubes. I use 6V6 which provide plenty of headroom for me and is very similar to a deluxe reverb. The rear bias jacks are convenient and the 'raw' pot (mids gain) make it versatile. I've an eminence red/white/blue speaker and it's been a great lil combo amp. These amps come in kit form as well as fully assembled (David until '22 when he retired and sold the company to new owners). The best amp decision I've ever made. Ah, San Diego - it's been a couple years. Miss OB - Sundays at Aquarius on the Jetty, Monday's at Winstons, clam chowder and a pint on the south beach balcony, quick burger at hodads... sigh.
  7. Way to start the new year with a full course post, John. Thorough, lot of effort to include all that detail - thanks. Sounds like you've a couple of wonderful guitars there. The local shop had a few cores last year and I was impressed with the fit/finish of them. From your pics, I really like the looks of your core. A beautiful finish/grain on that body.
  8. I have such a guitar as you describe, Sir Jon, and likely brought it to a PSP.
  9. Good times indeed. T-shirts for PSP1 same logo as banner so maybe JimW had something to do w/them as well. And the HOC guitar, that I still play, is a sunburst 555. Think Kenny won the white 555 the next year. I really liked that Caddy (from PSPIII, I missed II) - floated on the freeway and made the Minnie to Michi trip many many times.
  10. Nice - sounds like it's coming together.
  11. Ha! Gotta watch those full wallets. Glad you had a fun gig - sad to see a long standing venue close.
  12. Thanks for the entry, Mark. Always enjoy reading on your band journey.
  13. Ouch. A bit of time put in and like you say close to gigging so that's a set back. Sounds like you're rolling with it well. Best of luck in finding the replacement.
  14. Nice read - enjoyed that. Especially the 'The room I have retreated to...' sentence. And that your prior destination is now your daughters. Circle of rooms it is. And Dooverlackies. Yes. That's gonna be my next band's name. Cool pic, too.
  15. Been nice following your band's progress, Mark. Like these blogs. Be nice to see some vid of your band one of these days, too.
  16. fxdx99

    In with both feet.

    Nice blog, Mark. Enjoy reading of the journey. Do you plan to record? Have been waiting for years for a follow on to Live at Leeds...
  17. Congrats on filling out the lineup. And targeting some twin lead WA tunes - look forward to hearing those! Good luck on the next step and upcoming gig.
  18. Nice to read you're putting the band back together, Mark. Best of luck. Hope it all works out well. Looking forward to this space to read of the journey. btw, saw Status Quo in late '74 (think it was) here in the states on a bill with Blue Oyster Cult. Fun show!
  19. Nice, Doug! Really like the groove, playing, and singing on Devil Ray. Making my way thru the rest as I type this. Just saw this on blogs today - don't usually look over on this side of the monitor, at this section. Awesome sound from your band - looks like a fun gig.
  20. Nice blog, Josh. Looking forward to hearing about your progress. Really hoping you find a group of like minded musicians.
  21. Nice write up, Josh. Good goals! Looking forward to reading on your progress.
  22. Ah, so THAT's where you've been, Josh! Good read on this blog entry, thanks for writing it up. Interested to see how it unfolds as those are good goals. Fully can relate to them and to the time conflicts in getting there. Not sure if it fits in your project plan, but (imho) taking lessons with a good teacher is time and money very well spent. They can really accelerate the learning process, helping to set a practice routine and lessons that best moves you where you want to be. Good luck on your journey! Keep those tubes and guitar warm!
  23. That's too bad, Mark. Mostly the loss of time invested and that you're back to searching for a singer again. If it hasn't unraveled totally and if your mates are open to it, maybe a compromise could be worked where the singer buys part of the pa?... He gets the speakers, someone else (or even the band splits) the board or something. Just a thought. Could be that financially your singer just can't swing it at the moment regardless of his intentions to do so. I understand your view of the investment instrumentalists make vs vocalists, although it's unusual (in my limited experience) for the singer to own the whole pa unless a band leader that's hiring side players. Instrumentalists can gig with a small investment like a squire classic vibe and blues jr... even thos we'll gravitate to the best gear we can afford. Other thought is to look to clubs that have their own pa - most around where I live have their own system now, which of course makes it a lot easier. Anyway, hope this bump in the band road works out for you.
  24. Good luck in you singer quest, Mark. Glad that you're enjoying the guitar slinger role without being burdened as lead singer as well. Do you think the candidate pool may be limited some by having the singer provide the pa? Thankfully, most clubs around here have a house pa these days. Have been in a variety of situations from owning the entire thing myself to being a sideman where someone else owns it to each band member funding/owning a portion. They all work in their own ways. I will say that in many/most cases it was the band leader that provided the pa unless it was a group that was tight enough to divy it up. Financially sometimes the compensation was split up to allow the owner/hauling extra for the investment/time. Anyway - I do hope you find a great addition to your group!
  25. fxdx99

    Going to the pub...

    Nice that you have the support of your bandmates. And that you'll all go out for recap and discussion on what to do better. Will make the next gig all that much more fun for you and you can still sing harmony and some lead parts to give your new singer a break here and there. Good luck in your quest for vocalist. Might consider both genders as a female vox can add a lot to a band.
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