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DavesNotHere last won the day on December 23 2023

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    The Rocket City
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    Bacon and extra cheese

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  1. Agreed.
  2. Per Arnie Helinski, it was a bit of both. The neck was originally supposed to be for a custom Roy Clark but something didn't meet the original customer's spec and it wound up just sitting on the shelf being "too nice to scrap". When the PSP giveaway was being discussed that year, Arnie suggested using that five piece neck on the giveaway guitar and Marv et al agreed. I'm glad they made that decision. 😁
  3. I love my HOC 137. You did a great job with the specs on this one Josh! (I also love my 120 with the original Bill Lawrence pickup)
  4. The Terminator and X Terminator also had model numbers. One was H-130 and the other was H-135. I can never remember which is which, neither of mine have a label in the cavity.
  5. Along with Brian's 157, this one of the most beutiful Heritge necks I've ever seen.
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