I'm with you there, I've had more bad experiences with them than not. But my buddy Ryan, the other guitarist in my band, has using fuzz pedals down to an art form, and he really wanted to get me on board, so he gave me the Sunface. There is some tricks to getting the best out of them, and the most important of those tricks is to where they go in the order of pedals, first is best. Fuzz pedals are very interactive with the volume and tone controls on your guitar. And, a good fuzz cleans up beautifully when you back up the volume. Hendrix did that quite a bit, and was a big part of his clean tone.
There is another thing about fuzz pedals, germanium transistors generally have a more organic squisher tone (like a sag on a tube rectified amp), that sounds great, but they are very unstable and can change tone mid gig as they warm up. Silicone ones (like the one I am using), are very stable, but to me lose a bit of the magic as a tradeoff. I just bought a germanium one just for recording.
This is the actual pedal in the video, and the one I bought, it is supposed to be the most stable of the germanium based fuzzes. https://www.buyanalogman.com/Analog_Man_Sun_Face_p/am-sun-face-readylgrca.htm