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RhoadsScholar last won the day on September 4 2019

RhoadsScholar had the most liked content!

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  1. HI Ron, if you want to part with any of those, just let me know. thanks for the reply

  2. HI DC Ron, not familiar with the roller bridge and microtuners. are the microtuners on the tail piece.  I was looking for an older one where the actual rollers are gold. Some of the new ones I have seen use silver rollers against the told.

    curious to know about the microtuners. as long as the pitted one is functional, it is all good. Thanks for the reply. Let me know if you want to part with any/all and what you are looking to get. I see you still have that amazing Midi EAGLE> what a great guitar


  3. RhoadsScholar

    RhoadsScholar Album

    The Guitars of RhoadsScholar
  4. Wow what a great color combo in a 150 light weight. I bet it sings.
  5. A friend once told me. "Listen To Everything" "Believe Nothing" "Test Everything" Words to live by.
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