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Heritage Owners Club

Millennium Maestro

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Millennium Maestro last won the day on July 15

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    Las Vegas

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  1. There is always that one crazy bird in the picture!
  2. yes, they a a dual coil design with noise cancellation. i have them in several guitars.
  3. I wonder if that one is now mine? Time to pull it out and check the FB graining
  4. Cool Thread! Great to see Brian hanging around!
  5. I use (2) palmer PDI-09 boxes, record both guitar players live direct. you simply plug the amp output into it, run the speaker cable from the box to the cab. The Palmer has an XLR out to PA/Mixer https://www.toursupply.com/product-p/pdi09.htm
  6. Very nice guitar! Very Nice!
  7. Under Plaza all Millennium models got lumped under the 155M model. They were trying to production run the Pro which had VERY limited units in the golden era featuring the sharp horn... All featured the previously mention Solid hollow design, Plaza removed the figured maple front and back specs with the 155M design. Skydog had a nice VO Pro... Maybe he will chime in My NOS Pro. https://www.gbase.com/gear/heritage-millennium-pro-ssb-sunset-burst
  8. Didn't you have a newer DC Millie?
  9. YOU ROCK!  Glad to see you are back!

  10. There are a few facts that you briefly bounced over in your amazing note. You live in Detroit, nearly 2 hours away from the gathering... quite the task and the results were a complete success. Also when you originally started discussing the possibility of attempting to continue on the Festivities there was a divided reaction, some like me were solidly behind you and others expressing negative feedback... You still moved forward(Your letter explains your motives excellently). I will be there next year, look forward to seeing my friends that share in our passions! Good Job! Not that you got paid...
  11. That's awesome, SSB is my fav color too. I am happy we have another in the Vegas fold!
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