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PunkKitty last won the day on September 27 2024

PunkKitty had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    H-150, Bass

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  1. Nice find.
  2. Beautiful guitar. He's very lucky.
  3. They look like Heritage headstocks. We'll see if they are made in KZoo or Asia.
  4. JS Moore humbuckers are the best pickups I've ever played. Wolfetones are also very good.
  5. This makes my eyes hurt.
  6. Kool, I was in Chicago this August visited my Niece Elizabeth who works at Old Town.  Did not know forum member knew about that place.

    1. PunkKitty


      Old Town is where Kip (Kidsmoke) and I met. He's the one who told me about Heritage Guitars. I've been taking classes there for years.

  7. Good morning.  I read your New Toy Day post.  Are you going to sell the HRW pickups and input jack switch?  Please let me know if you do.

    Thank you.  Pete

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Plentine


      Thanks very much.  I appreciate that.  I will not be needing them.  I'm sure there are many who would love to see when you list them for sale.  Best regards.  Pete

    3. PunkKitty


      Okay. Thanks, Pete. I'll list them next week. Kind regards. Monica

    4. Plentine


      Hi Monica.  I noticed your post about getting your old H-575 back.  Congrats!  If you don't put your HRW's in your reclaimed H-575 please let me know.  I just purchased a 1995 H-575 today (pictured below) and will look for some HRW's to put in it.  Besides, with your 3 recent guitar purchases you might need the cash?!??  Then again, it would be a great addition to your new (old) H-575! 

      Thanks.  Pete

      My 575.JPG

  8. PunkKitty

    PunkKitty - H158

    Heritage Millennium H-158 Sunsetburst finish
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