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AP515 last won the day on March 2 2019

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    Greensboro NC
  • Interests
    Guitar, Banjo, CBG, Piano, laughing with my kids.

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  1. AP515

    Dealing with trouble

    That word is not meant to be more than it is, but it seemed accurate enough. I've looked for another band in NC a couple times. Even practiced with one for a couple practices until the lead singer took the lead guitarist and they split off to form another band... (sound familiar?) I just had such a good fit in Phx. Being a Latter Day Saint, you'll probably appreciate this where others can't. Sorry to those of you who are not going to know our terminology. It's not meant to exclude anyone. If you have a desire to know what they mean, Mark or I will be glad to explain them. I was the 1st counselor in a Bishopric in West Phoenix. The Bishop was the rhythm guitarist and played some keys and back up vocals. The second counselor was the lead singer. There were two other members with us who played lead guitar and drums and both of them were on the Stake High Council. I played bass, or rhythm guitar when Bishop played keys, and also some back up vocals. So 5 band members, 5 High Priests. We played mostly Stake dances and ward or Stake activity nights. Once in a while we did weddings and community events. It was so much fun. Good clean atmosphere and a bunch of guys that all got along. Out here I've only been finding groups that play in bars or weddings. It's just not the same. I did put together a "music night" where I invited people from the Stake to join me as a band and we did a couple sets of some great music and I invited members of the Stake to sing. It was a big success. We had about 200 people show up but that was probably because we had 20 people sing and they brought 10 people each to hear them! It's hard to get folks that aren't looking to do it long term to commit to the practices.
  2. AP515

    Dealing with trouble

    I've not had the experience of having to excommunicate anyone. I've only had to excommunicate myself when I had to move to NC. I miss playing out...?
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