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pressure last won the day on March 2

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  1. The ABM tailpieces are sized to the guitar.
  2. Ahhh cold beer. One of the benefits of being the piano player is a good place to put your beer.
  3. Not everything is an upgrade, sometimes it's just a change.
  4. I have asked that question myself and have not gotten an answer. For what it's worth Heritage 5-piece necks need truss rod adjustments.
  5. You mean like this Millie. My first Heritage Custom Shop build from 2011.
  6. Fun tour, I have great respect for Metropoulos amps.That reminds me of Jim Ws front room. Ha.
  7. Heritage use 3 different headstock sizes. Large for Jazz guitars, medium and small for most electric guitars. I wish I had found that out sooner. My last custom build, the Heritage Millennium SuperLight, should have had a small headstock but I had them use the medium size because it looked more balanced to me. Don't forget Heritage had a number of unconventional guitar models that used completely different headstocks, I'm looking at you MarvBird.
  8. I have a Mesa KingSnake which is also supposed to be simple but there is simple and then there's Mesa simple. I think it weighs about 85 lbs. I can't move it anywhere, ha. Good times.
  9. I have 2 Heritage Millennium's with spruce tops. I also have a Heritage Prospect, 2 Heritage Johnny Smith's all with spruce tops and a Heritage 170 with a spruce back. It gets worse, my Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster has a spruce body. I also had a Hammer Newport 90 that had a spruce top (Fab guitar). I might have forgot some but you get the idea. Good times.
  10. Merry Christmas to all.
  11. I think they belong to a local, to me, guitarist. I bought an H160v, snC08603 from him.
  12. When Heritage built custom guitars for me that needed a center block, I always specified that they use Spruce for the block. I like light guitars.
  13. Let's not forget JP Moats, one of the original founders.
  14. The black tailpieces are hard to get. It's easy to get Gold or Nickel from ABM but black probably will be a special order.
  15. I just checked my email for more information and amazingly I still had ABMs email. I hope this helps. JOWO BERLINER SCHREIBFEDER GMBH Division ABM GUITAR PARTS Wolfener-Str.36 126811 Berlin Telefon: +49 (0)30 930 211 22 Telefax: +49 (0)30 930 99 48 E-Mail: info@abm-guitarparts.de Director: Jan and Joachim Hildebrand, VAT-No .: DE 811717603 Commercial Register No .: HRB 52 708
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