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HANGAR18 last won the day on August 8 2014

HANGAR18 had the most liked content!

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  1. I just ran across this video today. Really interesting seeing a new Heritage fan in the making. I wonder if it was any HOC members bugging that guy to look into Heritage guitars. I guess we'll also need to wait till the honeymoon is over before we tell him about the Custom Core models. hahaha I wonder if he'll like those beefier necks on the CC models.
  2. Brent, with all the Gary Moore models you have owned, how do you know if this is one you have already owned previously or not? I'm just kidding. hahaha
  3. Probably because no one outside of the lot of us has ever heard of a Millie. This thread needs a picture.
  4. Fantastic acquisition! Well done!
  5. Dibbs.
  6. They accidentally broke the stamp set and now Marv hand writes the serial number with a marker.
  7. Yowza! That's beautiful!
  8. HANGAR18

    Glitch in the matrix

    Good luck with that.
  9. HANGAR18

    PSPIII White 555C

    WOW! That's a beauty!
  10. HANGAR18

    '10 H535 - Dark ALSB

  11. Hey look! It's ME in the backbround. hahaha
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