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Heritage Owners Club


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Everything posted by Steiner

  1. Are those mineral streaks on the 150?!! Love it! You’ve taught me a lot about improving guitars over the years. Every insight has improved my guitars. It seems like most manufacturers put “placeholders” on their retail goods. You taught me about the harness's influence, thank you. I’ve found the bridge makes a lot of noise and have swapped out for KMS brand; they are consistently quiet. Bottom Line, an axe has to look good before I bring it home or I just don’t use it. Yours are a couple stunners. Play them in good health!
  2. Nice amp DB! Congrats! Happy NADs.
  3. You’re a frequenter of the French Canadian ballet? The culture of our northern neighbors runs deep. Eh?
  4. ABSOLUTELY! Do you get along with Canadians? If not, we'll set our own time with the local boys.
  5. We should get our international neighbors out to make waves! You sir are always welcome to enjoy yourself here. The normal inclusion of blur is the Gaussian blur distribution. It's covered in most advanced texts. Kudos to the folks for showing up through Michigan traffic hassles and for playing along. It was a stellar day top to bottom!
  6. Steiner


    I wondered the same.
  7. Steiner


    Are you suggesting this film was recorded in the court of the crimson king?
  8. Steiner


    What movie???
  9. Steiner


    Good Morning Vietnam?
  10. Steiner


    A movie titled: The Dog Walking Radio Hour?
  11. Steiner


    Those two don't appear to be the "answer-guy" type.
  12. Steiner


    Got it. The first photo was taken from the front. The second, from the back.
  13. Steiner


    Egadz. Succinctly poignant!
  14. Steiner


    Had trouble following the blog. Now that I see it rhymes with frog, I'm good.
  15. Steiner


    Land sakes! Why have I not heard of this consummate Heritage museum? Beautiful!
  16. Steiner

    Steiner - Heritage Guitars

    A lustful gathering of stringed instruments
  17. Steiner

    The Ladies

    From the album: Steiner - Heritage Guitars

    © &copy 2009 Steiner

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