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Everything posted by Steiner

  1. Steiner


    Paranoia strikes deep.
  2. I see. Don’t break your mind.
  3. Wasn’t it @rjsanders who exclaimed “boutique amps for boutique guitars”? If there are no tubes, I have no time. There is so much more buried in a tube amp’s sound.
  4. Everything I’ve read about attenuators agrees with your assessment. Your enthusiasm is catchy, thanks and congrats. Oh, it does work, happy NADs.
  5. Heritage was at that time a custom guitar builder. The guitar shown is not a 575 custom. It is, however, a solid wood guitar through out; a stellar guitar for every style of music. Treat her well and she’ll respond in kind.
  6. There was a similar speaker unveiled 7 to 10 years ago. It had a dial on the magnet that reduced the speaker’s efficiency. This one has a cream color which is Celestion’s most popular. I’m interested, as I was before, like before, I’ll wait for a myriad of positive feedbacks.
  7. Blues, You made it! I love that place. I’ve been there a few times. I agree with your analogy of the OG Heritage. They are dedicated to delivering the vintage sound and feel akin to the old guard in Kalamazoo. A small shop with some 8 people cranking out their designs. I think they just got to 4 or 5 amps per week. Everybody comes across as happy at their tasks and very proud of their accomplishments-they should be. Soldano sold to BAD. I used to visit them every so often in Ballard, WA. On my last trip Mike talked about selling the brand and retiring. The end of DeYoung transformers was the last straw. IIRC, there were 5 or 6 employees. They purchased their bare cabs and wrapped them in-house. It always amazed me that so few people could make such a big wave in music. BAD now owns Soldano, Friedman, Egnater and Bogner pedals; probably a few others too. They redesigned the Soldano SLO and GTO pedal but haven’t released any earth shattering devices. For the time, I’m sticking with Metropoulos. With only 4 models released since Covid, he’s captured the sound of the JTM 45, JTM 45-100, 1959 SuperPlex and a now extinct ditty George created with Alice in Chains’ guitarist+vocalist William DuVall that wraps the 45/45-100/SuperPlex into 1 head called the DVL-1. Each model captures the sound in my head and constitutes 95% of play time since we were all ordered to stay home; no problem 😊 We’re lucky to have awesome amps and guitars being produced so close to home!
  8. Love the H-575. That is one particularly beautiful example.
  9. Are those mineral streaks on the 150?!! Love it! You’ve taught me a lot about improving guitars over the years. Every insight has improved my guitars. It seems like most manufacturers put “placeholders” on their retail goods. You taught me about the harness's influence, thank you. I’ve found the bridge makes a lot of noise and have swapped out for KMS brand; they are consistently quiet. Bottom Line, an axe has to look good before I bring it home or I just don’t use it. Yours are a couple stunners. Play them in good health!
  10. Nice amp DB! Congrats! Happy NADs.
  11. You’re a frequenter of the French Canadian ballet? The culture of our northern neighbors runs deep. Eh?
  12. ABSOLUTELY! Do you get along with Canadians? If not, we'll set our own time with the local boys.
  13. We should get our international neighbors out to make waves! You sir are always welcome to enjoy yourself here. The normal inclusion of blur is the Gaussian blur distribution. It's covered in most advanced texts. Kudos to the folks for showing up through Michigan traffic hassles and for playing along. It was a stellar day top to bottom!
  14. Steiner


    I wondered the same.
  15. Steiner


    Are you suggesting this film was recorded in the court of the crimson king?
  16. Steiner


    What movie???
  17. Steiner


    Good Morning Vietnam?
  18. Steiner


    A movie titled: The Dog Walking Radio Hour?
  19. Steiner


    Those two don't appear to be the "answer-guy" type.
  20. Steiner


    Got it. The first photo was taken from the front. The second, from the back.
  21. Steiner


    Egadz. Succinctly poignant!
  22. Steiner


    Had trouble following the blog. Now that I see it rhymes with frog, I'm good.
  23. Steiner


    Land sakes! Why have I not heard of this consummate Heritage museum? Beautiful!
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