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Gitfiddler last won the day on March 17

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About Gitfiddler

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  1. These latest Ascent models remind me of Chinese-made Sire guitars.
  2. If Heritage is currently unable or unwilling to take 'bespoke' custom orders, then they should take down that section of their website. They did offer a few custom builds for NAMM a while back, but I've not seen any customer ordered one-offs in years.
  3. That looks like a one-off "Heritage SAE Custom" model. https://bluebookofguitarvalues.com/products/heritage-sae-custom
  4. Since the original founders made MANY custom order guitars back in the early days of Heritage, there should be some Heritage archtops with thick necks. My former H550 and Sweet 16 both had medium neck profiles. And my Golden Eagle has a thin-medium neck. The only Heritage archtop I own with a thick 50's neck is my custom ordered H525.
  5. @MartyGrass...Awesome collection! 😍
  6. Awesome! I pulled my 2007 H555 out for a quick comparison In addition to the new larger headstock shape, these new H555's have 5-ply binding around the body (one more than previous models), and 3-ply around the headstock (2 more than before). Interestingly, the f-holes are now unbound. Still, I'm glad to see Heritage bring back its blingy triple nickel semi-hollow. Here's my '07...
  7. Excellent analysis. For me, my first choice will always be a tube amp, with a few pedals. That said, the closest I'll get to a modeler, is my DV Mark Eric Gales Raw Dawg 250. Connected to a 2x12 speaker cab, that tiny box can fill a small auditorium with great tone.
  8. Tad, I think you'd love an 80's Rivera-era Fender Princeton Reverb II. Only 22 watts and 6V6 tubes, but it sounds like a much bigger rig. 🙂
  9. New and used H530's are available from a variety of sellers, and are a great hollow body option. Another option is the much more rare H525. It's tone is a bit thicker due to its 2 1/4""body depth. I believe there is one currently for sale by an HOC member on this board as well as on Reverb.
  10. Awesome Marty! What a thoughtful and generous gift.
  11. Merry Christmas to all of the HOC! 🎄🎅
  12. I put my HOC 137 (#004) up for sale a while back, in my attempt to thin my herd of gitfiddles. I'm so weak, that after a couple of weeks, I pulled it OFF the market. That thing has such great tone, and wonderfully full neck, I couldn't bear to let her go.
  13. Awesome photo!
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